Had to

Had to

I definitely had to go to the grasslands yesterday afternoon. Furthermore, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect and that is why I had to! So I had two goals. One, stay out of the mud. Second, was to see if the Blue Funnel-lily’s (Androstephium caeruleum) leaves might be sprouting. So far I had managed…

Dr Suess

Dr Suess

A few more finds from the Sunday afternoon on the grasslands. Doesn’t this look like a Dr. Seuss character? World’s Deadliest Mushroom Changed How It Reproduces as It Spreads Across The US Agriculture Threatens Permanent Loss of Plant Diversity Scientists Studying Earth’s Trees Issue Stark Warning to Humanity Keep looking! The more you know, the…

The ant

The ant

After the fog lifted on Sunday (5th), Jim and I took an afternoon walk on the grasslands. Indeed, it was a very pleasant temperature in the upper 60s. Unlike today’s temp, eh. In any case with the rain, no complaints here. Eventually the ant found its way out with its prey. Sometimes I have patience…

Up to the Uplands

Up to the Uplands

The bottomland was definitely interesting but now we headed upwards. Newly Discovered Fossil Reveals Hundreds of Teeth ‘Never Seen Before in a Pterosaur’ Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Blue Bucket

Blue Bucket

A few more of our found things from Thursday. Some good and some not. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Now is the time

Now is the time

Why you ask is it the time? Well, the poison ivy has no leaves so tis easier not to get a rash. However, beware that you can still get a rash if you handle the vine or stems of it. But beside winter being an excellent time to avoid the poison ivy, it is a…

Erosion rocks

Erosion rocks

Erosion was and still is a battle on the grasslands. However, erosion areas are a great place to look for rocks and petrified wood. The wood is not actually wood any longer of course. It is known as a replacement fossil unlike an impression fossil. TxDOT has a neat poster of Texas Rocks & Fossils….

Its the law

Its the law

Gravity is a law. And like all forces they act upon us. Gravity is no exception. Though on this outing I had planned to stay on top. Well, it did not happen. Gravity pulled me down into a ravine. LOL Even though gravity pulled me down in the ravine, I did manage to look at…



When do the things we see become common? Are they common because we see them everyday? Hopefully the familiar will continue to awe us all! Common is not a bad thing. Just take the time to be in awe of nature’s “common” beauty. And you sometimes will be surprised. Indeed, I can’t get enough it…

Red cap

Red cap

Dec 19th was not as cold as today and yesterday. However, we still had to bundle up on that outing. Photos from today below. Of course, I had to sit and watch the birds from inside the warm house today. Climate Change Will Result in More Rainbows Glass Frogs Turn Transparent When They Sleep… By…