

We were headed down hill where the owner had told us there was dry creek. What can I say… Are plants intelligent? It seems to depend on how you define it A heart-shaped mollusc shell’s striations resemble fiber optic cables  Little Books with Big Subjects Gift ideas for the youngsters in your life. Keep looking!…

Lucky Monday?

Lucky Monday?

Off we go heading into the deep woods looking for the orchids. Well, you wouldn’t think the orchids would be there but in many instances there are open glades to look at. Additionally, well you never know since the soil maps all say it is the right soil type. And now we just hoped the…

Lost But Found

Lost But Found

The adventure continued at the Caddo NG! Does a snail go slow because it doesn’t want to miss a thing? Hmmm, I have a lot in common with the snail. Moon reserves? Astronomers call for ‘urgent action’ to protect the Moon Planting Trees in ‘Wrong Places’ Actually Boosts Global Warming Spring 2024 Plant Sales 11…

On the Trail with Quayle

On the Trail with Quayle

A field trip with Jeff Quayle is always fun and educational. So if you can, I highly recommend it. So a big thanks to Jeff for organizing another great field trip! Definitely check out other Jeff field trips scheduled for this spring at NPAT Ft. Worth chapter for a list. Switchgrass: An Old Grass Gets…

Part Two of First Wed on Monday

Part Two of First Wed on Monday

Did I mention how nice the outing was yesterday. 😉 Jerry has kindly once again has some photos to share with us. I will note each of Jerry’s photos in the caption. The earliest sunset comes before the winter solstice Stone Age Pioneers: Homo erectus’ High-Altitude Life 2 Million Years Ago Keep looking! The more…

Exciting Find

Exciting Find

Today was warm. So I could not pass up the opportunity to get out this afternoon to the grasslands. While I found a lot of stuff I am going to get right to the most exciting find. The other photos will have to wait until tomorrow. 🙂 A couple years ago I found just two…

The Last Stuff from Tuesday

The Last Stuff from Tuesday

It always amazes me the things you can find in just a few hours! It had been a delightful couple of hours! New Study: The Ocean Is Emitting Millions of Pounds of Plastic Into the Atmosphere One Great Shot: Herculean Hurdles for Tiny Turtles Headless animals manage to learn without ever having a brain Check…



Seven nature nerds came for the First Wednesday outing at the LBJ NG. And this unit had a prescribed burn this year. In fact, it may have been the first burn ever done on this particular unit. And it certainly was looking mighty good! And thanks to the six other nature nerds for joining with…

Don’t Stop

Don’t Stop

It was First Wednesday at the LBJNG. Ok, it really isn’t the first Wednesday of the month, but it was necessary to move the outing to a different date because I had other plans next week. Indeed, a great group! And furthermore, another fabulous day on the LBJ grasslands! 1,000-Plus Years of Tree Rings Confirm…

Japanese watercolor

Japanese watercolor

Sometimes when taking photos of stuff, I see things that will remind me of paintings. Maybe you too? 5 Extreme Times Tardigrades Proved Themselves to Be Incredibly Resilient NASA Satellites Help Scientists Track Staggering Wetlands Loss in Louisiana A study of polar bear paw papillae shows how they maintain traction on ice Keep looking! The…