

The Black Vulture is still watching over her eggs! Vultures are some of my favorite birds. I love how they effortlessly soar in the sky above of us. The ‘Queen of the Mantas’ Who Became a Force of Nature Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the…

A few beetles

A few beetles

We had company today! My nephews were here and we had a grand time. We looked at bugs, fossils (Devil’s Toenails), and snake vertebras. Of course they took some home. Well, not the bugs. Keep looking!

Spider webs and stuff

On this morning walk, the spider web is what caught my eye first. The funnel spider webs were most interesting to me on the thickness and where they put them. I wondered how spiders catch something when some have such visible webs. At least a lot of them are so visible to us. Then I…

A close look

A close look

This morning I looked at a couple of the specimens I collected yesterday morning. You may find an ick factor but it is really fascinating actually. It was pretty darn cool! I found more on my dung sample, but that will have to wait for another post. Keep looking!