Second Creek

Second Creek

Creeks are such interesting places, eh. Even if you just listen to the sound of water only it is magical. A study says it calms “emotions and relieving anxiety”. I think we all knew that. 🙂 Of course, I look at what’s in it as well. Well, I brought one home as you can see…

Hopes were High

Hopes were High

Our hopes were high that we would find good stuff up the creek. And of course you know we did. 🙂 This was the first bridge finds. So yes, more creeks/bridges tomorrow. Stunning New Species of Tarantula Shimmers Like an Electric-Blue Jewel Biden Administration Commits $200 Million to Help Reintroduce Salmon in Columbia River Flowers…

Third Stop

Third Stop

For years I have drove over these bridges. Always thinking I should investigate these creeks. Well, the day had come! Jeanne found a safe place for us to park off the road. And let the exploring begin! Indeed we were just getting started! Thus tomorrow’s post will continue down the creek. Leonardo da Vinci Was…

It Clicked

It Clicked

The nature nerds were out on the Cooke County roads yesterday! And goodness it was fun as always. Treasures and treasures! The Texas Click Beetle (Alaus lusciosus) was just awesome! No bones about it we were having fun. A couple more treasures from this spot tomorrow. 🙂 It Took Just One Wolf to Revive An…



So yesterday I left you wondering what I was checking for under the bridge. Have you made a guess? This was the last creek stop that day. However there were two more roads to check. The conclusion of this outing will be tomorrow. ‘Truly historic’: How science helped kids win a landmark climate trial Most…

Next stop

Next stop

Onto the next stop in Cooke County! So I had one more thing to check under the bridge itself. Well, you will have to wait until tomorrow to find out why I was checking. Man Uses Strange Rock as Doorstop For Decades. It Turned Out to Be Worth a Fortune Our Sun Is Spitting Out…

Lost Creek

Lost Creek

The Lost Creek Trail is the name of trail we walked on at Ft. Richardson SP. There are several other trails to select from as well. Some day, maybe I will get to all them. New study figures out why mosquitos’ targeting system is ‘essentially unbreakable’ Keep looking! The more you know, the more you…



As we learn more about the ravines, our eyes seemed to be getting more attuned to the ecosystem of the creeks and ravines. Remembering E.O. Wilson’s Wish for a More Sustainable Existence Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Awesomely big

Awesomely big

Still down in the creek, we crept along at our normal pace…slow! And you can not convince me of any other way to go LOL. Women in Science Textbooks As Wetland Habitats Disappear, Dragonflies and Damselflies Are Threatened With Extinction Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see,…