Fibonacci spirals

Fibonacci spirals

This morning I read this article, 400-Million-Year-Old Fossil Upends Our Understanding of Fibonacci Spirals in Nature. With the article fresh on my mind, of course I had to go look outside. The Clear Lake Chapter Native Plant Society of Texas recently had a presentation (June 12th) on “The Fibonacci Sequence in Nature and Native Plants”….

Fossil Hill (part 10)

Fossil Hill (part 10)

It was almost time to head home after exploring for six hours. So half way down the driveway, we stopped to look at one last place. Just like me it was time to head out like this dung beetle scurrying quickly away. So I am sure you will agree with me, Jeanne and Wayne have…

A Moth

A Moth

While walking in our woods this morning, I noticed that the fungi was fruiting! The damp weather certainly has helped, eh! Thanks Suzanne and Kathy for sharing your photos! Researcher discovers a rare fossil clam thought to be dead some 40,000 years ago Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

Rainbow meow

Rainbow meow

Whoa, I feel we got lucky today with 1.16″ so far! On top of that, three of the four Gracie walks, I had to use the umbrella. My lucky non-umbrella walk was the afternoon walk. At that point, the clouds almost parted, but not quite. Here was the find of the day. It was like…

Little Lanterns

Little Lanterns

Little lanterns are what I think of when I see a ground-cherry (Physalis). We have six species listed in FNCT. They are in the Solanaceae family. These beetles tuck symbiotic bacteria in “back pockets” during metamorphosis Annual tarantula ‘migration’ begins in southeastern Colorado Fiery Invasions Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see…

Covered in fur

Covered in fur

Indeed, this is a wonderful time of the year, spring and summer. New life is bursting forth! Always fun to watch! California Investigating Oil Companies For Alleged Plastic Recycling Deception  A New Candidate for Oldest Tree in the World Is Discovered in Chile Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

Spirited discussion

Spirited discussion

When Claire was growing up, we often had spirited discussions about this bird or that bird. I recall one time at the Ft Worth Nature Center when she saw a Great Blue Heron while I saw a vulture. We both thought the other was crazy, but as it turned out we were both right LOL….

No data day

No data day

Today was the last day of this part of the Frosted Elfin survey. I was very happy with our results. Thank you to Jeanne, Alan, and Laura for your help in this phase of the Frosted Elfin survey! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…

1 minute and 6 seconds

1 minute and 6 seconds

As I walked along I noticed a beetle at a Gracie poop. Certainly I could spare a minute to watch it. Well, a minute and six seconds worth of video. The Weirdest Eyes in The Animal Kingdom See a World We Can’t Imagine Accidental Slingshot Wound to a Tree Reveals Unexpected Ant Behavior This Wonder…

Gaura mollis

Gaura mollis

The Lizardtail is such a nice plant. It has a wet-like feel to it. It is one of the host plants for a White Lined Sphinx moth. I have not seen one on it this year, but I’m still watching for them. The plant can get six feet or so tall. With all the rain…