In the shade

In the shade

Today was a First Wednesday in the shade! Indeed, five of us braved the morning, mostly in the shade. It really was not that bad, at least that was my opinion. 😉 Additionally, while sitting, the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were busy in the trees above. Then a pair of titmice came screaming by. Literally, one made…

A Mystery and a Smile

A Mystery and a Smile

Kathy was the one to get the star yesterday for catching my title mistake. The email notification had the mistake. However, I caught it as soon as I hit the publish button. In the same way, like slamming your hand in the door. You see it coming but the signal to the brain can’t stop…

20 degrees and a dance

20 degrees and a dance

That was the difference at our house between yesterday and today! So it was 92 yesterday and yep you got it, only 72 for a high today. Furthermore, that wind was howling overnight as well. The Quest to Find the World’s Largest Bee Many of These Plants Older Than Dinosaurs Face Extinction Betty Reid Soskin,…

Acrobat Ant

Acrobat Ant

It was a nice breeze to start the day here. And we could see on the radar that there was a chance of rain. So we carried our umbrellas just in case on the morning walk. Today I have found ants and aphids, but alas no rain. Keep looking! The more you know, the more…



Formica is Latin for ant. BugGuide had some interesting facts about the Formicidae family. For example, besides being scavengers and predators, they have a sweet tooth. Another interesting fact is that the males die shortly after mating and the females tear off their wings after mating. They (BugGuide) did not say why on either thing….



Mutualism is when both organisms benefit from hanging out together. Thus, I get something and you get something too. It is pretty cool to see in action! In Dr. Bell Burnell’s own words (I recommend the video too): She Changed Astronomy Forever.He Won the Nobel Prize For It. Keep looking!