A Weekend trip

A Weekend trip

Over the weekend, we traveled to Portland Oregon. And we were able to squeeze in a quick trip to Mt. Tabor Park. Here are a few of the wonderful things we saw. Tomorrow, I will show a few more of our finds! Famous Beaver Dams May Help Lessen Climate Change Damage to Water Quality Keep…

A Moth

A Moth

While walking in our woods this morning, I noticed that the fungi was fruiting! The damp weather certainly has helped, eh! Thanks Suzanne and Kathy for sharing your photos! Researcher discovers a rare fossil clam thought to be dead some 40,000 years ago Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

Lichen, food for thought

Lichen, food for thought

What is a lichen? A lichen is made up of fungus and other components like algae or cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). In addition, there are yeasts and chemical components. Lichenologists like to say, a lichen is a fungus that has turned to farming. The fungus uses the algae or cyanobacteria to get its nutrients. If you…

Crystal ball

Crystal ball

It was a grand day on the grasslands. Sights and treasures were abounding! The light brown one is a millipede. The other more lively one is a centipede. To tell the difference between the two, check how many legs are on each segment. Two per section on a millipedes and only one per on the…



The ravine proved to be tangled in Greenbriar and other thick vegetation. So instead we crossed the ravine to continue on. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know



Four years ago there was a fire on the grasslands caused by an adjoining property owner. The fire quickly got out of control. And spread like well, a wild fire! The fire burnt hot. And this was probably a good thing because it was burnt in a different season than the Forest Service normally does…

A Giant

A Giant

The LBJ grasslands, a true treasure for anyone that enjoys the outdoors. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know



Are you hyper sensitive to smells? No one would ever accuse me of that. LOL. Sometimes, Shirley could not believe that I could not smell. However, she loved to tell a story about that. It goes like this. While down at BRIT, someone tested hers. They put before her specimens of Hedeoma. These were old…

Cloudy First Wednesday

Cloudy First Wednesday

It was cloudy and cool for this First Wednesday. However, this did not cloud our spirits for the walk. What another great First Wednesday with fellow nature nerds! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

Fly fly Away

Fly fly Away

This is the Dainty Sulphur’s (Nathalis iole) story who came to stay in my foster home for critters. The only part that I’m missing is an egg. Check this out for an egg photo on BugGuide. In anticipation, I pointed the iPad camera at it. And gosh, did it come out fast. I slowed the…