Could you resist?

Could you resist?

Just when we thought or had hoped that the cooler weather was here. So we will just be waiting a bit longer, eh. These new interactive maps reveal the incredible global journeys of migrating birds Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Two guests

Two guests

Today, I have two guest photographers! Both had exciting finds! Thank you to both of the photographers today for sharing! National Geographic marine life photographer Cristina Mittermeier Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



Preparing for the upcoming Prairie Seeker training, the instructors met with Daniel Price, Natural Resource Manager of the Ft. Worth Nature Center & Refuge on Tuesday. We were there to learn about the current practices for the prairies. Daniel graciously showed us around. Furthermore, he told us about the prescribed burns and the bison management….

Hot buns

Hot buns

Today’s post will be about what we saw after we moved on from yesterday’s post of the first Datura. It was a beautiful day for exploring! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

One trombone

One trombone

Yesterday, I made a visit to the LBJ grasslands on unit near our house. Jeanne was available. So we met up about 9am. An enormous ‘isopod’ has been discovered in the Gulf of Mexico Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



You never know where curiosity will lead. After reading Claire’s blog post, 09/08/2022 nighttime only adventure and her iNat post, I went looking for caterpillars this morning. Indeed, she had triggered my curiosity for what I could find on Salvia greggii here at our house. I did not find a caterpillar, but I found something…

Looking up

Looking up

The sky was clear blue with only a few clouds. And goodness was it ever pleasant this morning at 58.6 degrees. Perfect! Scientists Are Using These High-Tech Tools to Study Bird Migration Native Americans managed the prairie for better bison hunts Skeleton Of 17th-Century “Vampire” Unearthed With Sickle Across Its Neck Keep looking! The more…



In yesterday’s comments, Judy posted that she was sad to not have seen many spiders lately. Well, I have not seen that many webs or spiders either this season. Currently, I am reading a fascinating book on spiders. Its title is “Spider Communication, Mechanisms and Ecological Significance” edited by Witt and Rovner. The book is…