Pet a bee

Pet a bee

Today was a catchup day. A lot of photos to name, live animals to examine, and check the progress of the babies in foster care. And yes, I brought home a few animals yesterday. 🙂 Furthermore, I thought it would be safe to pet her. This was what she thought of that. Go away human…

A Day in the Field

A Day in the Field

Hearing from several of you, I found that not many got any real rain yesterday. And that was disappointing with all that buildup, eh. Indeed, I took a lot of photos today of interesting stuff. So this will be all today until I can sort through the photos. 🙂 Keep looking! The more you know,…

The yard

The yard

So saying we have a yard anymore, is well, a bit of stretch. We are blessed to live in the country where there are no rules for the “yard”. Thus, we only mow just enough to keep most of the tall plants (grasses and other forbs) about ten to twenty feet from the house these…

From different angles

From different angles

Another animal on my shelf has pupated! And that makes it easier to manage with no more worrying about its food. Now my fingers are crossed that it will successfully emerge some day. This could be in a couple of weeks or it may overwinter to emerge in late spring. So now you know the…

Small stuff

Small stuff

First kudos to Alan (Shirley’s son) and all the presenters at the zoom presentation at the zoom Armchair Botany: Women Documenting the Floras of Texas and Oklahoma! The women botanists were amazing scientists! When I find out where you can watch the recording I will post the information in case you missed it. It was…

Armchair Botany: Women Documenting the Floras of Texas and Oklahoma

Armchair Botany: Women Documenting the Floras of Texas and Oklahoma

Here is a zoom presentation you should not miss! It includes these women, Geyata Ajilvsgi, Connie Taylor, Agnes Chase, and our very own Shirley Lusk! A little help… (This was my original title to the blog, but it got pushed off the front for Shirley. 🙂 She was my botany mentor as she was to…



We got a few sprinkles today. Hopefully you got a tad more than .01 inch that was in our rain bucket. Native Land Digital Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

It was a goner?

It was a goner?

So as you know, I have been a foster home for a number of critters. Some will make it, but other will not for various reasons. Some I will never know why. Just to show you, like all the pupae that I have encountered thus far, it still wiggles! Again, this one was no exception!…