What Did We Decide

What Did We Decide

Well, I left you hanging yesterday. 😉 Sometimes it is just too much to push on and you need to turn back. Perhaps find an alternate route? We had gone as far as we could because the ravine had way too much brush and trees to maneuver through. In fact the backtracking was a bit…

Decision Time

Decision Time

With the ever present gravity pulling us (LOL), we headed down into the ravine. Hmmm, you will have to wait until tomorrow to find out. 😉 These Birds Score as High as Primates in a Puzzling Cognitive Test This Insanely Tiny Frog Could Be as Small as Vertebrates Get Keep looking! The more you know,…

Set Free

Set Free

We continued on after having accomplished the mission of checking on the Trout Lilies. And just because, we set some of the spores free! Climate Change and Wild Turkeys: New Study Overturns Conventional Wisdom Why Are Blueberries Blue? Scientists Have Finally Discovered the Reason New Satellite Will Track Methane Emissions From Space and Pinpoint Their…



The question was would the plant be up yet? Turned out they were! However only barely. This was the only one we found blooming on Feb. 16th, but in a few weeks many more will be blossoming! Yahoo! Life Spreads Across Space on Tiny Invisible Particles, Study Suggests Marine Biologists Discover Unexpected Biodiversity on the…

Under a Rock

Under a Rock

On Friday (Feb. 16th), besides just the opportunity to be outside, I did have a mission. Would a certain plant be blooming yet? Sometimes it will at this time of year and yes sometimes not. However before we got to that spot the water required close examination. Well of course right. LOL. There were fewer…

Cold Stratification

Cold Stratification

All of the gardeners out there know about cold stratification that some seeds need to germinate. Well, hopefully today’s weather helped them along because it seemed a bit cold today. 😉 So it was on my third walk today, when this topic crossed my mind as I walked with my head down in the wind….

A Cute Wren

A Cute Wren

As per our usual we took our early morning walk. Today after the early morning walk, I headed over to the grasslands with Jeanne. So yep photos to label. And tomorrow grasslands photos! One of The World’s Most Mysterious Whales Shows Signs of Holding Traditions Ill-judged tree planting in Africa threatens ecosystems, scientists warn Thanks…

Glistening Liquid

Glistening Liquid

The noun definition for dew is tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night. One of the verb definitions of dew was wet with beaded or glistening liquid. Last night the glistening liquid formed. Furthermore we were a bit surprised that there was a low fog as well. It had not been…

Happy Cordate Day!

Happy Cordate Day!

Ok, I just made that up. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day by the powers to be. However cord means heart in Latin. And nature is one of the things that makes my heart happy. So why not, eh! 😉 So many hearts in nature. Show your love for Happy Cordate Day! I hope you and your…

Find It

Find It

My IT team has figured out the notification problem. Long story short security issues changes had been made. Moreover I do not understand it one bit. However a huge thank you to my IT team! Did you get outside this afternoon? In fact it couldn’t have been prettier. Today’s birds included Cedar Waxwings, Northern Cardinals,…