Perfect weather

Perfect weather

 Today’s weather was just absolutely perfect! Robins on my birdbath. Frosted coyote scat. Our low was 32 this morning. The whitish knot looks like some sort of creature, but not sure what. LOL Closeup. Greenbriar (Smilax bona-nox) tendril. I think the tendrils are amazing the way they find something to hold. I got these tiny 2×3…



 Brown is adjective which is defined as a color produced by mixing red, yellow, and blue. When I googled the definition of brown, I also got these words as similar:  hazel, chocolate-colored, coffee-colored, cocoa-colored, nut brown, brunette, mousy, sepia, mahogany, umber, burnt sienna, beige, buff, tan, fawn, biscuit, camel, cafĂ© au lait, caramel, mushroom, bay, sorrel,…

47 vs 52

47 vs 52

What do you see? It is 47 degrees about 11:15 am and you can see dirt, debris, and a few Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) berries. Now it is 52 degrees and about 2pm. Closeup. The Harvester ants in my observations will not come out until it is at least 50+ degrees. I’m not sure of…



Start with a knot. Reminded me of a snail. You might have to use your imagination. LOL Thistle’s pattern in the phyllaries (bracts that held up the flower). Open Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) seedpod. A Gayfeather (Liatris mucronata) stalk and seeds. Greenbriar (Smilax bona-nox) leaf. I think this is a Bois D’arc (Maclura pomifera) leaf. The leaves look…

Frosting on the cake

Frosting on the cake

 Well, not really frosting on the cake BUT frosting on the plants this morning!  It got down to 27 degrees at my house. Frostweed (Verbesina virginica) is a favorite plant of mine. It attracts beaucoup (which is French for a lot- I didn’t remember that it was French) of insects while it is blooming. And…

North breeze

North breeze

 Cold front definitely blew in last night! Was 27 degrees this morning at my house and made it to 49. Glad it was sunny. Someone had a meal…Mourning Dove feathers. This blackish lichen is called a jelly lichen. When it is dry, it is blackish. When wet, it is rubbery and slightly greenish. Part of…

Plum interesting

Plum interesting

Eggs of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar Moth (Malacosoma americanaover) overwinter on wild plum trees (Prunus). Same kind of eggs as above. The eggs are so pretty and glossy. Backside of an old Praying Mantis egg casing with a foliose lichen growing on it on the wild plum tree. The Loggerhead Shrike uses the wild plum…

A little wet

A little wet

 We got a little wet this afternoon. So far .1 inch. I ain’t complaining; brings out the color in so much. I believe this is probably a Firedot lichen (Caloplaca species) and a Xanthoria species  (the yellowish one) on a old fence post. Bristle grass (Setaria species) with Little Bluestem grass (Schizachyrium scoparium). Closeup. I am not sure if this…