Next stop

Next stop

I did not have a destination for our next stop after the False Foxglove location. So we headed towards Moss Lake. More tomorrow as we walked further down the shady lane. It is National Dog Day so if you have a furry dog friend, be sure to give him or her a hug! Lastly, don’t…

Spiders, Insects, and Plants Oh MY!

Spiders, Insects, and Plants Oh MY!

In yesterday’s post, I concentrated on the False Foxglove. Besides looking closely at the flower, we also observed other neat stuff at this site. We found these additional things near the False Foxglove. The Complex Engineering of Underground Ant Cities Using the “Smell of Fear” To Protect Gardens and Crops From Destructive Insects Keep looking!…

False Foxglove

False Foxglove

Yesterday, we headed back to Cooke county. It had been two weeks since I saw the False Foxglove starting to bloom. I was sure it would be going full steam! Slow but Deadly: Watch This Tortoise Hunt a Baby Bird So tomorrow I will continue on with yesterday’s Cooke county outing! Keep looking! The more…



The barrens have a wonderful assortment of plants that you will only find there. For example, one such plant that is partial to the barrens is the Queen’s Delight (Stillingia texana). Indeed, this species can only be found on this type of soil. The other Queen’s Delight (S. sylvatica)on the other hand, prefers the sandy…

Up to the barrens

Up to the barrens

The trip back to the cars, led us up on to the barrens. The cows had grazed in the barrens so the grass was chomped down pretty low. Still we were able to find good stuff! Bacteria Continue to Live Even After Being Starved for 1,000 Days Scientists Sent the World’s Weirdest ‘Blob’ to the…

Still in the woods

Still in the woods

Since the creek was mostly dry on this outing, we managed to go the entire length of the creek within the grasslands’ boundary. This post will finish the creek portion of the outing. ‘World’s Worst Invasive Weed’ Sold at Many U.S. Garden Centers Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…



I continue to weave the story of the Monday outing, we are still traveling along the creek. Rattlesnake Rattles Use Acoustic Trick To Fool Human Ears Babbling Baby Bats Sound Strikingly Similar to Human Infants Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

A roof

A roof

We all want a roof over our heads. How we do it with the available resources is the question. So onwards with the Monday outing which will include a few “roofs”! The Secret Lives of Mosquitoes, the World’s Most Hated Insects Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you…

In awe

In awe

This morning I ran across this article on NPR, Stuck In A Rut? Sometimes Joy Takes A Little Practice. Near the bottom of the article, it lists three ways to practice happiness. Number two in the list is “Take an awe walk”. I feel that is what I do every time I step outside. So…

One short breeze

One short breeze

Yesterday, I took advantage of the cooler morning for an outing on the grasslands. As per the usual, the outing was great! Several new insects for me and another location for the Southern Shield Fern. However, with the front, we only got one short and brief breeze on top of the barrens. Still I can…