
Today was scouting day for the upcoming Shirley Lusk Day. There are still spots open to sign up if you would like to join me in celebrating Shirley on June 16th. See this link for details.

We saw a lot of things today! This being one. It really tugged at our hearts strings.

We were really surprised it sought us out. I am afraid it was really skinny. We wondered if its mother had passed. It followed us for a hundred feet then proceeded back out into the grass.

It sniffed us both. Good luck little one. Update: Just spoke with a deer expert, Lisa. She says that it could be the mother was near and leave it. Which we did. The little one might have not listened to mama and stayed hidden. It was rather young. 😊

This is all for today. I got a lot of photos to go through. However, I want to let everyone know that plans to come to Shirley Day, that the Forestburg Country Store still has ice cream! We made sure! Hey, it all a part of scouting LOL 🙂

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. Thanks. Wish someone could check on it just to be sure. I know shes probably right but theres a chance its alone.

    1. Even if it was alone, that is nature’s way and it would be food someone’s babies. You knew I was going to say that 🙂 Just so hard to resist interfering with nature when we think a critter is cute.

    1. Not a proper field day unless you top it off with ice cream according to Shirley. 😉 Great to have a mentor who thinks like that!

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