Tuesday Drive-about

Tuesday Drive-about

Since it was pretty chilly on Tuesday (9th) a drive-about was in order. Besides I wanted to check on a plant. 🙂 Jeanne and Kate agreed to go along. More tomorrow! This is the oldest fossilized reptile skin ever found — it pre-dates the dinosaurs In Graphic Detail: Sea Turtle Feminization Keep looking! The more…

First Time

First Time

What a pretty day eh! Unfortunately I had chores and appointments so no morning outdoor time. However I did manage to squeeze in an afternoon walk. And goodness was it nice out. Hopefully y’all got a little nature time today as well. With our wildlife camera back in working order we were so delighted with…

Kathy Sharing

Kathy Sharing

Over the past week Kathy has been sharing some photos and the accompanying comments with me. I enjoyed them and thought y’all might too. Next up Kathy found some turds inside a mesquite tree. Somehow Kathy and I seemed to be connected with our finds. 🙂 Next email Kathy sent these. Now as I was…

4-fer on the 4th

4-fer on the 4th

Who got some rain today? We got .29″. Yeah! I know from looking at the radar some of you got more. Now we wait for the cold and wind tomorrow, eh. In the meantime more from Jan. 4th. In fact a 4-fer; four fern species! However there are more species of ferns on the grasslands….

Jan 4th

Jan 4th

A few days ago I was out exploring. Well duh of course I was. So I wanted to explore an area where I had not walked before. Of course Jeanne was in! It was as cute as bug in rug with its little “horns”. I have no clue as to what family it belongs but…

What’s Sprouting

What’s Sprouting

Are you already thinking of spring? Some plants kinda of like the winter season. Furthermore they get a head start on some of others in the plant kingdom. Additionally some insects count on their appearance at this time of year. So maybe you are now dreaming about spring. However the plants are already taking action!…

Second Half

Second Half

This was the second half of the First Wednesday outing. Interesting how different things stuck out to me even though I had been there twice the week before with Briar. Some things I had missed the first two times. And that is why walking the same trail can always be interesting. It was a great…



A grand day for six hardy nature nerds that ventured out for a First Wednesday outing yesterday. I had warned the group that it would require ducking under limbs, climbing over logs, and pushing through some greenbriar. And the weather would be on the chilly side. And we did all that. 🙂 That part of…

Winter Plants

Winter Plants

Darn, it was cloudy this morning. Certainly I have my fingers crossed for a clear morning tomorrow (Jan 4th). And here Jeanne shares her armadillo encounter. She told me it made her jump! Just watch, I would have too. 🙂 Researchers Observe Wolves Hunting Sea Otters and Seals How Plant Diversity Boosts Farming Yields Keep…