

I believe that it has gotten hot, eh. 103F was our high today. And lucky for me that I don’t have to go far to find good stuff. In brief everyone has a way to communicate and make sense of the world. I toad-ly think it is all so interesting. What’s the difference?: Frog vs….

Swan Song?

Swan Song?

I have not heard as many cicadas singing this summer. As we took our morning walk a cicada was singing ahead. This was an opportunity that had not happened for me before. It was right there! And when I picked it up I could feel the vibrations! Tyler Quigley. “Sounds of Cicadas”. ASU – Ask…

Checked the Map

Checked the Map

Checking my map we had made 6 years ago, we headed to more of our favorite roads. Our map certainly has helped us re-find places that have special treasures. When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? When the Plastics Industry Gets to Define What the Word Means. Stonehenge’s Massive Central Stone May Have Been Shipped From…



On these hot days road trips are just the ticket. And after spending the morning collecting at Austin’s, it was so nice to be in the AC again. Time to hop back in the car’s AC and down the road! Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators Register for a free two hour Time…

Second Collection

Second Collection

First plant was collected. So now we headed to the east for the second collection. And a sincere thank you to Austin for stopping along the road last month! A new friend is always special. It was getting rather toasty out now. So it was time to fly down the road in the cool AC….

The Pepo!

The Pepo!

We now were almost to the site of first plant I had come to collect. However first we threaded our way through the thick brush. We stomped down the Greenbriar, pushed aside the Mare’s-tail, and watched for large animal holes as we crossed the now dry creek. To finally choose this as the species, I…

Look Closely

Look Closely

We continued on. Now isn’t that cool! Thought To Be Exclusive to Humans: Scientists Uncover Remarkable Cognitive Skills of Fruit Bats The Paradox of Cognition: Why Thinking Too Hard Can Make You Miserable Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

A Return Trip

A Return Trip

Jeanne and I made another trip back to visit Austin’s place. I had a couple of plants I decided I wanted to collect for the herbarium. Newly Deciphered, 4,000-Year-Old Cuneiform Tablets Used Lunar Eclipses to Predict Major Events Tough plastics broken down sustainably with common chemical, sunlight, air Keep looking! The more you know, the…

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

While out doing tractor work clearing the wild plums, Jim heard a pitiful noise. He investigated! Well, you know the old saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right? So here he came to the back door with a bird in hand. Gently Jim sat it on the ground. Off…

Hiding in Plain Sight

Hiding in Plain Sight

So I had always just called the Giant Swallowtail’s species Papilio cresphontes. Afterall that is what is my Kaufmann butterfly guide from 2003 calls the Giant Swallowtail. But as we all know, science marches on. In 2014, a paper came out titled “A new Heraclides swallowtail (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae) from North America is recognized by the…