All Grown Up

Back at the Caddo NG on Monday we were heading out to check back on a few spots from the last trip. So sorta of a repeat, but not quite. Besides this time of year everything changes so fast.

Doesn’t this mushroom look like it belongs in the Asteraceae family? Ray flowers and dirt disk flowers for sure.
This time the Prairie Rose (Rosa setigera) along the fire break road was in its glory!
Indeed the colors were vibrant!
Nightshade (Solanum) stood in the road! Later I will look up the species.
This liverwort was one that Jeanne decided needed a second look. And this time we collected it. Like many of the bryophytes you can’t tell what species it is in the field. Hence the decision had been made for this return trip.
A pale Daddy Longlegs tricked me into think it was just an exuvia. Wrong! In fact it ran away. LOL.
Armadillo or animal burrows are great places for mosses to make their homes. We theorized since they love edges it makes a good place to call home.

The bubble mosses got a second look. And I just made up that name. Certainly looked like green bubbles to me.
Jeanne found a new one to collect. Oh and after several days using our black mosquito head net, we hardily recommend them. A life saver! Ours not the mosquitoes. 😉
Turban Cap Lichens were scattered in with the green bubble moss!
Pixie Cups too! Drink up ye fairies!
Do you remember the Jelly Babies from the early May field outing? Guess what they grew up!
They were full fledged adults at 2 centimeters tall. Perhaps they could legally drink with the fairies. 😉

Indeed it was worth the second look!

‘Dust clouds’ from deep-sea mining endanger marine ecosystems: Study

Hallucinogenic Plant Unearthed Beneath an Ancient Maya Ball Court

Hidden Art in Nature: Newly Discovered Lizard Species Resembles Van Gogh’s Famous Painting “The Starry Night”

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. So many cool things! And I thought the bubble moss was a common name. Yes those mosquito nets are wonderful! I have a whole jacket with head, pants and separate head net. When exploring the Adirondacks, there is a lot of moisture and thus a LOT of mosquitos and flies! I have a cool spider to ID and will send you a photo Mary. LOVE the Asteracea!

  2. Maybe it is a common name. Most mosses like lichens don’t have the commonly used common names like people use for birds. Each book and author seems to have their preferred common name. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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