Are you already thinking of spring? Some plants kinda of like the winter season. Furthermore they get a head start on some of others in the plant kingdom. Additionally some insects count on their appearance at this time of year.
The Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a perennial. Furthermore this species started blooming a couple of weeks ago. It is another small flower that can be spectacular in a patch. However I enjoy them whether they grow all alone or in a thick patch. Another interesting titbit; its tuber is edible with a sweet, chestnut-like flavor.
Another Spring Beauty not fully open.
Fully open!
Some plants are prepping for the fall season like this Nodding Ladies-tresses (Spiranthes cernua).
Here the 2024 leaves are coming up right next to a stalk from 2023 season.
This was the stalk in the photo above.
The Yarrow’s (Achillea millefolium) leaves have been up for awhile too. However you won’t see the flowers until March or later. This plant is welcomed by many of our native insects. has more information.
So maybe you are now dreaming about spring. However the plants are already taking action!
Very interesting about wintering monarchs. And yay little winter sprouts!!
Yay sprouts! 🙂
Very pretty little flowers.