Jeanne, Jerry, and Susan are members of the Elm Fork Master Naturalist chapter in Denton. We met at Windmill Lake at 9am yesterday. They were scouting and I was along for the day.
Susan took this photo of Jerry, Jeanne, and myself. Windmill Lake is a designated a fly fishing lake by the Forest Service. No fishers but several duck hunters were packing up as we arrived. Thanks Susan!
This beautiful cluster of mushrooms were found on dead willow log. It is possibly in the Pleurotus species complex. Many in that genus are edible. However beware there are similar looking species that are poisonous according to Mushrooms of the Southeast by Elliott & Stephenson. Pleurotus has a light to white spore print and a Crepidotus has a shade of brown spore print. I am sticking to grocery store thank you.
Along part of the shore, the Marsh Fleabane would have been very colorful earlier this season!
A view from the top of the dam. You can see the concrete pieces in the lake. Many times the Forest Service will put things in a lake to make new habitat for the fish.
Jeanne, Jerry, and Susan were ahead of me. I had stopped for the Gumweed (Grindelia). Dried plants have their own special beauty! Furthermore dried plants provide winter food and habitat for many!
Our first stop at Windmill Lake was interesting and beautiful as always. I have visited this unit many times over the years. Jerry and Susan were first timers at this unit. I bet they will be back. ๐
Hi Mary, I love the mushroom picture! Marilyn
Thank you!
I love the vulture article. But i love vultures.
One of my fav bird too!
Me three!
I believe this is the unit where Shirley showed me my first Fern Acacia.
Special memory!
Sure am glad we don’t have those 10 and 24 pound vultures around here!
I bet you are ๐