
The sale of the Garnett property in Montague County is set to close in early September. Thus a farewell tour of this beautiful property was in order before the new owner takes it over. First let me backup a bit for those of you who may not know about the Garnett property. Hugh Garnett brought the property back in 1991. Shirley Lusk and Hugh met soon after that. Well, the two of them embarked on a mission of ID’ing all the plants on the acreage. They came up with 464 species. Wow! Five more species were added to the list since.

Hugh and Shirley (2014)
A view from the gate of the Garnett property. It has a wonderful limestone mesa. Additionally for all that have visited, wonderful memories.
As you walk along the Hedeoma drummondii crusted beneath our feet with the fragrant of peppermint. A key characteristic of the plant.
Whitlow Wort (Paronychia virginica)!

A Clouded Crimson (Schinia gaurae) stopped by at the False Gaura (Oenothera glaucifolia syn Stenosiphon linifolius).
Wow a Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum) still had a couple of flowers!

The Mountain Pink (Centaurium beyrichii) were fabulous this year!
In fact a few of the Mountain Pinks had flowers left.

Willow-leaf Sunflower (Helianthus salicifolius) is so delicate looking. So a couple of years ago Jeanne and I helped Ricky Linex collect seeds of this species for NRCS. They hoped to propagate it for the nursery trade in the future. In fact this patch’s seeds were included in that collection!
The bumble bees were busy on the Gayfeather (Liatris)!

We enjoyed the side of the mesa.
Kate and Suzanne at the top of the mesa. The highest point on the property.
A top of the mesa photo!

Last shot! We all felt like Shirley and Hugh had been watching over us. And that they had arranged the wonderful temperature and wind that morning. In fact we were able to stay out for three hours.
Indeed a fine tradition! And thanks to Jeanne, Suzanne, and Kate for sharing the day with me!

Here’s hoping the new owner will appreciate the uniqueness of this beautiful land.

Mind-blowing side-by-side photos reveal the hidden cost of mowing your lawn: ‘Now this is interesting’

Fruitarian Frogs May Be Doing Flowers a Favor

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. What a beautiful tribute for a very special place – and two very special people – thanks for all the memories there that you made possible.

  2. Yes, beautiful. I can’t help but be so sad. I hope the new owner appreciates it even a little for its own wild value.

  3. Thank you for including the links for Shirley and Hugh. Just read through Shirley’s again and just warms my heart so. I hope the new owners of the Hugh Garnett Preserve treat it like a preserve.

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