The Queens!

It was such a lovely day yesterday. Certainly was a pleasant day to be out.

Young yellow aphids are so cute in my opinion with those abdominal tubes sticking out. These tubes are called cornicles. Scientists once thought this was where the honeydew was secreted. However it was later discovered that honeydew is a waste product that exits the body through the digestive system. It’s now understood that this second liquid actually contains lipids, hemolymph and a substance called an alarm pheromone. I do not know what kind of cocoon critter the black thing was. Some flies have something that looks like it but a definitely a wild guess on my part here.

Greeneyes (Berlandiera betonicifolia) with a tiny bee!
Stopping to look at Leavenworth’s Eryngo (Eryngium leavenworthii) I found many of the developing flower heads were filled with stink bugs.
These beautiful and tiny red eggs (unknown) were on a Eryngo’s leaf.

My guess for this golden egg (not the goose) on a Eryngo’s leaf was a Leaf-footed bug.

Eastern Ringtail (Erpetogomphus designatus)!
Indeed a few thistles are still blooming. So a Delaware Skipper made a pit stop at the dwindling supply!

Four bluebird eggs! I have had bluebirds have successful nest through August in the past. Certainly looks like a pair is going to give it a shot here.

So I don’t know why we suddenly have all these Queens in our yard. It must have been a mass emergence!

Royalty ruled around our house!

Lured by bright colors: Wild bee queens face death in commercial hives

Bumblebee research sparks rapid industry change

Bumble Bee Pollination in Tomato Greenhouses

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. The tiny things are really wonderful – looking closely reveals so much. Cool there are so many queens!
    Great articles on bumblebees – good to see that the studies are making a difference. Also makes one realize how much there is to learn and to be careful with assumptions.

  2. I didn’t know the bumblebees were used commercially. Love how they have an exit and entry way. And amen about the assumptions.

  3. The black spots on the hind wings on Queens & Monarchs indicates it is a male. I can’t remember what it does but think it gives off a pheromone. But don’t quote me on what it is. Maybe Mary knows. Anyway, on that last photo you can easily see the black spot. The previous photo has 2 males & 1 female. And a blur. Notice on the underside it is a white spot circled by black vein.

  4. Latest report on the wren in the log.
    She had been gone since last weekend and the eggs laid in the nest untouched. So yesterday I poured them out of the log and broke them open. They had no developed embryo, just orange yuck. So apparently she abandoned the nest after several weeks of sitting on them. Guess they have a clock inside that tells them when incubation should be up. I’m just thankful it was not likely a predator that got her. But disappointed to not have reports of growing Bewicks Wren chicks.

  5. I love the close-up of the greeneyes flowers – they are so pretty! Lots of queens around my house now too.

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