Life and death, you can not have one without the other. A longtime ago, a wildlife biologist told me that the worse thing that came out of television/movies was “Bambi”. It forever has shaped the way people thought about nature in unrealistic way. My hope is that people today will change that attitude. There are no good or bad creatures. Be a part of the change, embrace all life!
Patiently waiting on a Ten-petal Anemone, a crab spider (Thomisidae) snared a hover fly. These spiders are ambush hunters.
A different angle let me see the Hover fly better. Thus I was able to ID it as a Toxomerus marginatus. The larvae preys on aphids, thrips and small caterpillars. And of course the crab spider preys on it. Both awesome creatures!
Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium pruninosum)! This is not even a grass though the common name implies it is. It has six tepals with sharp little points at the ends. A tepal is where the petal and the sepal have fused into one. Lilies and tulips are two other examples of flowers that have tepals. The Blue-eyed Grass’ leaves are more grass-like blades. And even though it has grass as part of its common name, I can not figure out the Blue-eye part of the name. I see it as having a yellow eye LOL. Regardless, it is a wonderful spring plant!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Great photos and a good lesson for all.
Susans right. But…..i will still save a critter from death if i can. Cant help it.
All parts of nature sure are important. Even our plants we are learning have senses!