Today was the last day of this part of the Frosted Elfin survey. I was very happy with our results.
First flower of the day, Prairie Groundsel (Packera ovata)! Look carefully for the tiny spider. It had snuck into my photo.
Almost to creek, we just had to go take a peek. Ok, it was me that said we should look LOL. This Mexican Plum was still blooming.
Jeanne finds the first liverwort. It will be a nice list for the Caddo NG.
The leafy liverwort was a new one for us both. It had rather large leaves.
One tree over was this moss.
Jeanne says “The calyptra has pulled the operculum off so that the peristome teeth are exposed.” Got that? Translated: calyptra- the hood, operculum – inside the upper hood is the lid that covers the teeth, peristome teeth – the pointy thing on top the brown capsule. Now? FYI, I didn’t remember those terms either. Thanks Jeanne!
Way up high the Chokecherry was preparing to bloom! How could I get a photo?
So how did I get this photo? Well, we bent over a young tree that that had some buds! And collected a specimen (not the whole tree) for BRIT.
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle!
Finally, this was the plant of the day for this unit. Indian Plantain! Jeanne and I took two hundred photos between us. Why? Because I wanted to know which soil types it prefers. So we did not find any of the target plant Baptisia, but it certainly was a great day. And remember that no data is still data.
Thank you to Jeanne, Alan, and Laura for your help in this phase of the Frosted Elfin survey!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Love the liverwort and beetle. Both beautiful. And who can pass up a creek. Y’all did a grand job.
Love the liverwort and beetle. Both beautiful. And who can pass up a creek. Y’all did a grand job.
Excellent day!
Love the beetle. And of course the spider.
Looks wonderful!