All critters welcome
We have gotten .39″ since yesterday. It was a nice rainy day eh! And I can’t believe I still need my knitted chicken hat! Thanks Claire!

I wondered if this might be a tarantula burrow? It was fairly big. Let me know what you think.

The Bewick’s Wren family is growing!

A top view of Prairie Parsley.

The Square-bud Primrose (Calylophus berlandieri) was showing its age.

Arkansas Yucca was pretty in pink!

Mature Arkansas Yucca flower. Thump the flower and a little white moth may fly out! 🙂

My nest boxes make good home for more than birds! See the little pearl eggs? These are Texas Paper Wasp (Polistes apachus)! Such beautiful creatures!

These ants seem to have taken up residency in another box. I’ll take all the critters! We need them all!
Keep looking!
It is good to hvae them all, I agree. My prairie parsley seeds haven't sprouted 🙁 But I do have 1-2 Arkansas yuccas working on living!!
I think you should enter the NPSOT photography contests!
I particularly like the first yucca shot with the 3 diagonal lines of grass. The closeup bud is great too.
We got a whopping .05" here but Gary got swamped in rain while in San Antonio, while driving he could barely see.
I bet the yuccas do well for you. You have an amazing garden/prairie!
Thank you for the compliment!
At least someone got rain, eh! But it is not fun to drive in rain like that.