Part 2: Duck Creek Formation
It certainly was a great day to be hunting fossils. Judy and I use to go all the time some 15+ years ago. Maybe we should start again. 🙂 The formation is called Duck Creek. The creek’s name is Morris Branch.

A future fossil!

Gastropod fossil, maybe Cerithium bosquense

Two smaller Heart urchins (Macraster)!

Brachiopod, Kingena wacoensis

Cool fossil!

Creek was running.

So many tiny fossils embedded in the limestone!

I split this ammonite open to get both the negative and the positive.
This morning (Saturday), I cleaned up the only fossil I brought home…

The heart urchin ( Mascraster species). The following six photos are the close ups.


Here you can see the heart shape and thus its name.

This vulture skull was partially burned in the dirt.

A Swainson’s Hawk seen on the way home. It just sat on the fence until another vehicle passed by.
If you know what any of the fossils are, please let me know and I will update the photo. Thanks!
Keep looking!
I love our prairie creeks. Yours is a beauty, Judy.
That vulture skull working on being a fossil too! What a beautiful specimen of heart urchin you brought home.