Chien-Shiung Wu
Luckily, we did not get any more precipitation last night. So here goes, a continuation of the Feb 8th outing.

Gracie found a treasure!
Hard to get a picture as Gracie said it was hers LOL.

Holes in the tree look like it would make a good home.

This big ole tree looked like it was standing on its tippy toes.

There were a lot of trees that had fallen into the ravine/creek. It made it hard to navigate. A lot of going back to the top and going back down.

Old cardinal nest. Good time of year to see last year’s housing projects.

Panorama view of one of the ravines.

Old Penstemon cobaea seed head.

This old Eastern Red Cedar was just weirdly branched. Normally it is just a straight up trunk.

I thought at first we had found something really interesting. It turned out to be just trash…an old piece of carpet. Unfortunately, there is some big trash in this ravine. But the good news, none is recently dumped and it is deteriorating.

I was actually hoping it was a quillwort, but I believe it is a sedge of some kind.

Closer view. It had hollow leaves. I think some blooms would certainly help to figure out what species it is. Oh well, I will just have to go back…he he.

Cattail was fluffy.

The ravine is fairly wide and the cattails have a good home.

This ravine’s seep is always running and it has some pretty green algae.

The bones of a White Compass plant.

A bullet.

A bullet and part of a clay. This ravine use to be used for target practice a lot a long time ago. Not so much anymore, thank goodness. It was not ever legal.

Even older bullets. It probably been more than 10 years since I have seen anyone target shooting at the grasslands.

The sides of the walls of the ravine are cool.

I should know this plant, but I can’t place it now. I really loved the red root!

This moss made me think of toupee. 😉

Closer view.

Gracie the anemometer.

Our front pond. I have not checked to see how thick the ice is yet.

Facial recognition does not work on the phone. LOL Temperature ranged from 22.2 to 27.1 degrees. Max wind gust was 16mph out the NW with an average of 4mph.
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is today, February 11 and the US Post Office is honoring Chien-Shiung Wu , a Chinese-American physicist.
More of the February 8th outing tomorrow.
Those are great pics as always. Love the cedar and the seep. Thanks. Who left the pelvic bone for gracie?