Morning calm
Not only was it calm at 11 am, but it was overcast and gray too.

Gracie the anemometer, on the job! No data is valid data!

Indiangrass not moving a millimeter.

Not often does the bristlegrass stand still for a photo.

Giant Ragweed looks frosty but it is not. It is just the hirsute or stiff hairs.

I wonder if this might be an euphorbia? It grows near the spots where I have some. It was interesting never the less.

Old aster seed head.

The dead pond turtle was dragged out onto the path by a critter. It had been down in a small ditch that leads to our pond since summer.

Close up the edge of the shell.

Back of a thistle with an insect hole.

Front view.

Split-beard grass seed head.

Another split-beard seed head. It was nice that there was no air moving. 🙂
Article: So you can fit a square peg thru a round hole
Keep looking!
Your bluegrass field is gorgeous. It looks so healthy. Youve done a good job restoring it.