FOS – first of season Northern Harrier for me! Hope one sticks around this winter in our field. Last winter they were scarce in our field. Also got nice looks at a meadowlark and a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.

This is what is left from the mushroom that was on the dead Blackjack (Quercus marilandica) log a few days ago.

The millipede was looking at the mushroom remains too.

This grasshopper was stuck on a Chittenwood’s (Bumelia) thorn. Usually the Loggerhead Shrike prefers barbwire anymore.

Egg mass on a Wild Plum (Prunus angustifolia).

A surprising find today…Yellow Flax (Linum rigidum)
Keep looking!
All pretty, especially the old mushroom!
My Mom and Gary both saw the mushroom picture over my shoulder and exclaimed "what's that?". I showed them the previous photos and when the shiny new photo came up Mama said "it's so shiny". She couldn't see that you said that.
Millipedes are out a lot lately. The latest one was half in half out of a tomato that was in contact with the ground.