

The phylum Arthropoda are the invertebrates. Moreover this group comprises (by some estimates) over 97% of the animal species on our planet! Therefore take a moment to soak that in. They are the animals that have: three or more pairs of jointed legs (some mites have less, many insect larvae have none), body segmented, bilaterally…

Rainy Sunday

Rainy Sunday

Goodness what a rainy day, eh! Loved it! At press time we had gotten almost 2″! Now back to more from Caddo NG last week. These Snakes Fake Their Own Deaths, And They Even Use Special Effects Cloudy With a Chance of Eclipse: NASA’s GLOBE Project Illuminates 2024’s Celestial Phenomenon Keep looking! The more you…

Small Stuff

Small Stuff

Usually it is the larger plants and animals that we notice everyday. However, its the small stuff that we know so little about. So how did you do? Did ya find them both? The first find the critter was a Cixiid Planthopper (Cixiidae). Second one was a tiny spider. Indeed I love finding all these…



Jeanne has got the bug for collecting mosses. Well she has had the bug for several years. However, it has moved in high gear now. And of course I don’t want to miss out on these adventures too. Collecting off of a rock. As we put our knife blade under it we noticed the spores…



Today was an absolutely beautiful day for the First Wednesday outing. As the “fishing guide”, I headed the group towards the Trout Lily (Erythronium mesochoreum) “fishing hole”. The “fishing” had been great! Celebrating Women Horticultural Heroes March 1-30 Why Does It Look Like This National Park Building in Alaska Is Sprouting Hair? Asian elephants mourn,…

Time flies

Time flies

Partly sunny or partly cloudy? The National Weather Service says the terms mean the same during daylight hours. I would say it was both today. LOL. However, at night the partly cloudy term is obviously the only appropriate phrase. Certainly the temperature was great. Regardless, I found some interesting stuff. Mysterious Origins of North America’s…

Beauty at the Grasslands

Beauty at the Grasslands

A delightful day with plentiful sunshine. The nippy weather did not dampen our enthusiasm on the First Wednesday (Nov. 1st) outing. The beauty at the LBJ Grasslands always refreshes my soul at any time of the year! Additionally to share with the First Wednesday group made for a wonderful morning. Free Admission to Texas State…



It was a busy day for me! First chores must be done, groceries. However I did manage to take a walk. Then it was time for the Trinity Forks NPSOT afternoon field trip at the Painted Flower Farm in Denton. So it was a “whew” day. However it was a totally a good one! Missing…

Zig zag

Zig zag

Last night after I posted we got .04″ more rain about 9pm. What a welcome surprise. Even more so that the grass was still wet on our morning walk. 🙂 I sat and watched the girl for a minute or two. And was delighted to see her make her zig zag! Why Insect Memories May…