Goodbye and Hello

Goodbye and Hello

It’s a new year! All fresh with new hopes that we all can do better for our planet. May it be a great year! How to see Earth’s shadow at sunrise and sunset Why does the New Year begin on January 1? Scientists Reveal Jaw-Dropping Secrets of Lizard and Snake Evolution Mysterious Cause of Massive…

Evenings 4 and 5

Evenings 4 and 5

Dark skies! Black Mesa State Park is a dark sky park. The first several nights were too cold for me to want to stick my head outside for an extended time. Yes, I was a wimp. đŸ˜‰ However, I miss seeing the dark sky at home as Denton, Dallas, and Ft. Worth continues to encroach…

Crystal ball

Crystal ball

It was a grand day on the grasslands. Sights and treasures were abounding! The light brown one is a millipede. The other more lively one is a centipede. To tell the difference between the two, check how many legs are on each segment. Two per section on a millipedes and only one per on the…