Three Turtles

Three Turtles

Over four days last week at the Caddo NG we found three box turtles! So I waited almost ten minutes for her to move away! But it was worth the wait to see her gorgeous markings! Well according to this link, eye color is not enough to determine gender alone…Mr. or Ms. Box Turtle? Five…



Indeed this post is not about current events on the news. Furthermore it is about nature in action. And Kathy and Gary witnessed a cool behavior! She shared it with me. So now I am sharing with y’all. So you may have noticed in the still shots that the female was arching her back. Now…

For James

For James

Dear James, I am very lucky to have your Grandma (Jeanne) go along with me to explore. We find some really neat stuff. Well, whenever we see a lizard or any reptile, she says James needs a picture. Its pouch puff up for us! Then we set it back on its original resting place. Indeed…

Erosion rocks

Erosion rocks

Erosion was and still is a battle on the grasslands. However, erosion areas are a great place to look for rocks and petrified wood. The wood is not actually wood any longer of course. It is known as a replacement fossil unlike an impression fossil. TxDOT has a neat poster of Texas Rocks & Fossils….

Cool exuviae

Cool exuviae

Not being able to resist, I headed back to the grasslands this morning! It was not as hot as yesterday even though I had started an hour later. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

No shooting stars

No shooting stars

I was up at 5:30am with Gracie this morning. I had hoped to see a shooting star or two. But no luck πŸ™ Hope more than a few of y’all got some of the rain yesterday. Rain amounts around here ranged from barely wet (.1″) to 1.25″. Here we got the .24″ and was very…

No tuna

No tuna

Do you still have your fingers crossed for rain over the next couple of days? I do! And this evening I heard the Rain Crow or Yellow-billed Cuckoo talking. Hope its forecast is good. πŸ™‚ Additionally, two Common Nighthawks were squawking overhead. Love them! The magnificent moths of the Catskill mountains – in pictures Plant…

Screams and Mandibles

Screams and Mandibles

On today’s walk, several critters brought joy to my day. And hopefully yours as well! I carefully got close to get a close up shot and movie. As you can see, the snake watched Gracie as she walked passed me and the snake. πŸ™‚ Light pollution is disrupting the seasonal rhythms of plants and trees,…

Up early this morn!

Up early this morn!

Up early this morn for the quail survey. And we had good luck! Contrary to popular belief, woodpeckers don’t protect their brains when headbanging trees Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.