No Bright Eyes

No Bright Eyes

A beautiful sunny day led me to the grasslands on the 13th. And I only required a couple layers of light clothing. Unlike today with wind gusts of 31 mph and the high of 44 degrees. Indeed, brrrrr! This device corkscrews itself into the ground like a seed This bioinspired seed carrier has an 80…

Two goals

Two goals

So were my goals met? And does it really matter? In fact, it is the journey that I relish on any outing. New discoveries and old friends. So I had two goals on this outing, no mud and the Blue Funnel-lily. First goal was met. Since I had only encountered a couple of muddy spots…

A new ant

A new ant

Ok, I know you are dying to know, did I stay out of the mud. Well, I did manage to not get any mud on my shoes at this point. So my goal number one was still on track. 😉 Of course, staying out the mud was easy in the leaf litter of the woods….

Had to

Had to

I definitely had to go to the grasslands yesterday afternoon. Furthermore, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect and that is why I had to! So I had two goals. One, stay out of the mud. Second, was to see if the Blue Funnel-lily’s (Androstephium caeruleum) leaves might be sprouting. So far I had managed…

Dr Suess

Dr Suess

A few more finds from the Sunday afternoon on the grasslands. Doesn’t this look like a Dr. Seuss character? World’s Deadliest Mushroom Changed How It Reproduces as It Spreads Across The US Agriculture Threatens Permanent Loss of Plant Diversity Scientists Studying Earth’s Trees Issue Stark Warning to Humanity Keep looking! The more you know, the…

The ant

The ant

After the fog lifted on Sunday (5th), Jim and I took an afternoon walk on the grasslands. Indeed, it was a very pleasant temperature in the upper 60s. Unlike today’s temp, eh. In any case with the rain, no complaints here. Eventually the ant found its way out with its prey. Sometimes I have patience…

Stepping off

Stepping off

We stayed on the trails mostly on the Jan. 26th outing. But this drew us off for a bit. Hey, what can I say…LOL Did you notice the critter above? I am leaning towards it as a possible Spider Wasp (Pompilidae). Furthermore, stepping out on a limb or log in this case, guessing that it…

Faces and tracks

Faces and tracks

We had stayed on the trail (Jan. 26th), but now needed a shortcut to get to another trail. So we choose an open area. The Forest Service had been cutting down some trees in that area from a previous time. We left our tracks in the wet dirt with the other critters. Furthermore, I am…

Frost Heave

Frost Heave

All of the ice was gone today. However, we did get a nice frost last night. In fact, it meant that I got my photos before 9am. While looking into frost heave and I ran across the term frost quake. I never had heard of this before. However I have witnessed ice quakes on a…

Before it melted

Before it melted

I was thinking the ice might all melt today. So I got out this morning to see what I could find. Did any of you get outside too? The ice will be gone before you know it. Our high was 35 degrees and the rain bucket has .18″. The ice was mostly gone by the…