Epic Battle

Epic Battle

Next destination was an overlook at the Red River. So down the road we went. However maybe I should say up the road since we headed north? It was an epic battle! As they fought the road dust covered them. Neither were giving up. In fact, the humans watched for four minutes. Still no end….

Pushing by

Pushing by

What to do on another hot day? Well, short walks of course. 🙂 Bigger, earlier and itchier: Why poison ivy loves climate change What sounds did sabertooths make? Scientists investigate Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know

The Hairy Snake

The Hairy Snake

There are a lot plants that are finished with their colorful blooms. Yet to me they still hold value. Some maybe providing homes for insects. Others may have seeds for wildlife as well as the plant’s own future survival. Thanks Jeanne for sharing your photos! Homegrown National Park by Dr Douglas Tallamy (A Cross Timbers…



Snow sounds very refreshing today doesn’t it? Of course there is none in North Texas. Well, at least not the ice crystal type. However we do have Snow-on-the-prairie (Euphorbia bicolor) and Snow-on-the-mountain (Euphorbia marginata)! And we have the Snow-on-the-prairie (Euphorbia bicolor) here at our house. So guess what? That will be the “snow” today. LOL…

Closed for heat

Closed for heat

This heat! I sure hope we get a break soon. Maybe hurricane Hilary will help break the heat dome over us in Texas? Sure hope so! However there was no talk of that happening on NOAA’s forecast discussion. 🙁 Take precautions in this heat like the plants and critters do! Researchers discover troubling truth behind…



Jeanne and I have been down almost every road in Cooke County. There were only a few roads that we deemed unpassable and didn’t explore. Furthermore we certainly do not remember what was down all those roads as it was four years ago. Plus you never what you might have missed or what might be…



So yesterday I left you wondering what I was checking for under the bridge. Have you made a guess? This was the last creek stop that day. However there were two more roads to check. The conclusion of this outing will be tomorrow. ‘Truly historic’: How science helped kids win a landmark climate trial Most…

Next stop

Next stop

Onto the next stop in Cooke County! So I had one more thing to check under the bridge itself. Well, you will have to wait until tomorrow to find out why I was checking. Man Uses Strange Rock as Doorstop For Decades. It Turned Out to Be Worth a Fortune Our Sun Is Spitting Out…

Monday Nature Fix

Monday Nature Fix

Is it Mondays or was it Suzanne that brought in the cooler weather for my recent outings? I certainly will go for either one. 🙂 Regardless Suzanne, Jeanne and I headed towards Cooke to get our nature fix. More tomorrow from Cooke County! NASA: July Was Hottest Month on Record, But 2024 Looks Even Hotter…

Cool weather

Cool weather

Well, it certainly seems cooler to me. I mean the high at the house today only made it to 94F. Plus I thought the NNE wind was a definite bonus! However no matter the weather there are things to enjoy. “We’d lose one after the next”: Texas bats face a pandemic of their own A…