Happy Indigenous Day!

Happy Indigenous Day!

So what did you do today on Indigenous Peoples’ Day? Go shopping (it is Black Friday) or take a walk? You know what I did. 🙂 Additionally at our house we gathered with friends and family. Now to continue on with the outing on Tuesday the 26th. The Myths of the Thanksgiving Story and the…

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather

At this point in the dry creek bed we were pretty much sticking together with Dale leading the way. He and Jeanne would call out each time they found another moss for collection. Indeed it was a great day for hunting bryophytes! Furthermore I would even say perfect weather on Wednesday (20th) for just about…

Stay on Task

Stay on Task

Indeed it was a busy week for me with two field adventures. Both were new places for me. The first one was the Stewart Ranch. And I can’t wait to go back in the future. The second trip was to another private property in Grayson County on Wednesday. So the Grayson County adventure starts here….

Stewart Ranch

Stewart Ranch

On Tuesday Jeanne and I headed to the Stewart Ranch in Young County. Jeff is doing a plant survey there and had invited a small group to join him. Of course we were game to go! We were just getting starting. More tomorrow! Get a Loupe Jeanne and I co-authored article in the EFCMN’s newsletter…

All Grown Up

All Grown Up

Back at the Caddo NG on Monday we were heading out to check back on a few spots from the last trip. So sorta of a repeat, but not quite. Besides this time of year everything changes so fast. Indeed it was worth the second look! ‘Dust clouds’ from deep-sea mining endanger marine ecosystems: Study…

Hanging by a Thread!

Hanging by a Thread!

Jeanne and I are back in Fannin County continuing with my botany survey! And we started off at Bonham State Park once again. Here’s what we found on our hike on the trails. I told myself when we started the walk I was not going to photograph anything unless it was special. Well, as you…

Sandy Maintenance Road

Sandy Maintenance Road

So many of the areas on both the LBJ and Caddo National Grasslands have had a lot of disturbance. Some plants will thrive in those areas. Today’s post is back at the Caddo NG. Haunting Sounds From The World’s Largest Living Thing Recorded There’s an Awkward Link Between Plastic Production And Pollution We’re Not Considering…

Small Stuff

Small Stuff

Usually it is the larger plants and animals that we notice everyday. However, its the small stuff that we know so little about. So how did you do? Did ya find them both? The first find the critter was a Cixiid Planthopper (Cixiidae). Second one was a tiny spider. Indeed I love finding all these…

A Second Look

A Second Look

We really enjoyed Parkhill Prairie! So much that we decided to go back the next day. Indeed definitely worth a second look! Why Do So Many Beetle Species Exist? Organic Material Detected in Eggshell Fossils Could Unlock Dinosaur Secrets Four Jurassic Fossils Help Explain How We Got Our Ears And Teeth Spring 2024 Plant Sales…



The collection for mosses and liverworts was a great success. Not many bryophytes have been recorded in Cooke County. Jeanne will have a lot of identifications ahead of her and lots to add to the known records! Wylie later told us that he thought the Texas Buckeye was common. Well, it certainly was not to…