Frost Heave

Frost Heave

All of the ice was gone today. However, we did get a nice frost last night. In fact, it meant that I got my photos before 9am. While looking into frost heave and I ran across the term frost quake. I never had heard of this before. However I have witnessed ice quakes on a…

Before it melted

Before it melted

I was thinking the ice might all melt today. So I got out this morning to see what I could find. Did any of you get outside too? The ice will be gone before you know it. Our high was 35 degrees and the rain bucket has .18″. The ice was mostly gone by the…

Sticking to the trail

Sticking to the trail

On January 26th, we were scouting for a potential First Wednesday outing. Here’s what we saw! As far as a future First Wednesday trail, it was pretty muddy for the first part. Our shoes had plenty of mud stuck to them. Other parts were more sandy. Regardless the trails will make for a pleasant walk….

Only 80 acres

Only 80 acres

The unit that we were on was only about 80 acres. However, the size did not hold us back from finding great stuff! Indeed, January 24th was definitely another great outing for us. Hope you enjoyed it too! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more…

On or beneath

On or beneath

The bottomlands main interest that day definitely was the trees. And what we found on or beneath them. Some of you may not have gotten an email notification yesterday. I have no clue why not, but assumed that it was a WordPress hiccup. Hopefully today’s notifies. Why Aren’t All Black Bears Black? Astronomers Just Discovered…

Mystery tree

Mystery tree

The bottomlands have interesting trees. And many bottomland trees are mysteries to me. I am learning but it may take a few more years until I can remember them. LOL Natural Things Thanks Alan for sharing this article. Some young sea spiders can regrow their rear ends Army of pest-munching ducks keep South African vineyard…

Zombie cat

Zombie cat

What kinds of stuff can you find in an open field? Here are a couple of things we found on Thursday. In fact, it was a fine day out on the grasslands! The Night Sky Is Twice as Bright as It Was Only 8 Years Ago Armored dinos may have used tail clubs to bash…

Second part

Second part

Did yesterday’s post whet your appetite for the Old Zoo Nature Trail? Certainly it did mine! Hence, more of Jeanne’s photos on the trail! Tomorrow the old zoo and a couple of boulders. Maryland girl finds ancient tooth from a 50-foot-long megalodon in the Chesapeake Bay A New Chapter in Climate Science – 390-Million-Year-Old Seawater…

I missed it

I missed it

On Monday I had to pass on an opportunity for an outing. So I made request of Jeanne to take some photos to show me what I had missed. Goodness, I missed a good outing. Here are Jeanne’s photos. And thanks Jeanne! More of Jeanne’s photos tomorrow! Keep looking! The more you know, the more…

Now is the time

Now is the time

Why you ask is it the time? Well, the poison ivy has no leaves so tis easier not to get a rash. However, beware that you can still get a rash if you handle the vine or stems of it. But beside winter being an excellent time to avoid the poison ivy, it is a…