Tornado Damage

Tornado Damage

After walking part of the Flower Park trail we headed up the hill towards Vendome. Time to head back for lunch. Yeah our stomachs rule! LOL. Newly Described Fossil From Wyoming Sheds Light on When Frogs and Toads Lost Their Teeth A Brief History of Christmas Markets Keep looking! The more you know, the more…

A Cluster

A Cluster

The trail we chose started at the Travertine Visitor Center. Of course first we had to go in and get the lay of land from the helpful park people. 🙂 Can you have too much fun on a trail? Silly question, eh. And we still had not reach our end point. 🙂 Newly Described Fossil…

No Sunshine

No Sunshine

The forecasted weather was dreary 0n Friday (13th). However the no sunshine would not dampen our spirits for an adventure. 🙂 Wow a no sunshine day was shining for me already! A Paleontologist Cracked Open a Rock and Discovered a Prehistoric Amphibian With a Clever Survival Strategy Thanks Claire! Dolphins in Gulf of Mexico Are…

What I Found

What I Found

Obviously the following photos were not taken today. (It was cloudy and wet today). I had gone back to a unit where I thought I had left my knife a few days ago. However, I didn’t find my knife. Moreover yesterday I was searching my pack for another thing and I found my knife. LOL….

Works For People Too

Works For People Too

Yesterday you saw the results that Briar got from getting out on the grasslands. Well I am here to tell you it works for people too. 😉 And in case you didn’t know… yesterday was the first Wednesday of the month. So of course that meant taking a group to the grasslands! Had Briar spilled…

Brain Rot

Brain Rot

If you read the article, Writer Thoreau warned of brain rot in 1854. Now it’s the Oxford Word of 2024, you are familiar with the term brain rot. A therapy to help cure brain rot is no further than stepping out into nature’s theater. 🙂 Yep just like Thoreau it pays to get away! Just…

Each Time

Each Time

Each time I go out I find something new that is beautiful. Even if it was virtually on the same path I took before. On Thanksgiving Day before our family arrived I headed back to the same unit. This has been the unit I have been posting about in the previous four posts. Yep, each…

Find a Friend

Find a Friend

Every time I go outside, I am greeted by friends both old and new! Indeed you are never alone in nature! Solar superstorm in 664 BCE recorded in tree rings The Rise of The Dinosaurs Can Be Tracked in Their Fossilized Poop Easing the Biodiversity Crisis One Flowerpot at a Time Keep looking! The more…

A Day in the Field

A Day in the Field

Yesterday (Tuesday 26th) was a bit on the chilly side. At our house the low was 30F. And I forgot to check the frostweed. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Meeting up with Jeanne, we headed to the grasslands. And we took our handwarmers with us. However by the time we got out there it was in the 40’s. We…

Perfect Weather

Perfect Weather

At this point in the dry creek bed we were pretty much sticking together with Dale leading the way. He and Jeanne would call out each time they found another moss for collection. Indeed it was a great day for hunting bryophytes! Furthermore I would even say perfect weather on Wednesday (20th) for just about…