Up the Road

Up the Road

The rest of the box checking was by car. Yes, I could have walked but I had already spent three hours lollygagging along the other boxes. So up the road! More boxes to check so onwards up the road! Meet the Taxidermists Who Care for the Animals at Your Favorite Museums To Save Life on…

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up

It had been awhile since I had been in the ravine. I hoped that the path I normally took was not completely overgrown. The Rough-leaf Dogwood was fairly thick along the edge. Multiple places had active seeps running. The ripples in the sandstone were just beautiful! So these clouds wrapped up our day. And actually…

House Guest Leaves

House Guest Leaves

On April 14 I invited a guest to live inside with us. It took 12 days before it was time for it to leave us. Thank you to the Variegated Fritillary for enriching our lives. Now it will join its mates! A woodpeckerโ€™s interest in a doorbell leads to headache for homeowner First glowing animals…



Many of you will know what FOS is shorthand for; first of season. Already there has been many FOS. So I have mentioned a few of them this season like the Cymopterus (January) and Black Swallowtails (March). As we transition from winter many plants and critters will be making their appearance. Exciting! And it will…

Soft and Harsh

Soft and Harsh

That is how a lot of photographers usually describe the light at dawn and full daylight respectively. To me the harsh part sounds like a bad thing. However I think daylight is illuminating, not harsh. ๐Ÿ™‚ Every part of the day’s light are special to me! Textbooks say most birds can’t smell. Scientists are proving…



Here is the conclusion of last Thursday’s (21st) outing. Why Do Some Bees Dig? Thanks Jeanne! Octopuses could get the same protections as mice and monkeys thanks to a growing body of evidence that suggests they feel pain Ghostly Footage of a Dumbo Octopus Captured 8,000 Feet Below The Ocean Keep looking! The more you…



Enough already of the heat, eh! In fact the high was 111F yesterday at our house. With that in mind yesterday, Jeanne and I headed out for a drive about. ๐Ÿ™‚ We encountered two showers. The second one was much heavier then the first. It started to eat it way out of the 1mm egg….

It Clicked

It Clicked

The nature nerds were out on the Cooke County roads yesterday! And goodness it was fun as always. Treasures and treasures! The Texas Click Beetle (Alaus lusciosus) was just awesome! No bones about it we were having fun. A couple more treasures from this spot tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚ It Took Just One Wolf to Revive An…



Jeanne and I have been down almost every road in Cooke County. There were only a few roads that we deemed unpassable and didn’t explore. Furthermore we certainly do not remember what was down all those roads as it was four years ago. Plus you never what you might have missed or what might be…

Monday Nature Fix

Monday Nature Fix

Is it Mondays or was it Suzanne that brought in the cooler weather for my recent outings? I certainly will go for either one. ๐Ÿ™‚ Regardless Suzanne, Jeanne and I headed towards Cooke to get our nature fix. More tomorrow from Cooke County! NASA: July Was Hottest Month on Record, But 2024 Looks Even Hotter…