Hit the Road for Nature

Hit the Road for Nature

I am almost sure all of you know how vital nature is to our mental health. In fact some doctors are prescribing nature to their patients. Get out and move another study says. Really hope none of them hit a rock, eh. A fine cold Sunday was perfect for a visit to Hagerman! “Mummified” Bees…

Out Today

Out Today

It was a morning spent at the grasslands in a creek bottom and the nearby bottomland. However you will have to wait for that until I get it all sorted and named. Insect bites: The future of snacking is looking a little buggy NPSOT 2023 Fall Symposium Click to Register! – Prairie Seekers – Fall…



So what did you spot today? Here’s what I found. 🙂 It was a very energetic little thing! Late last night I ID’ed as a Sunflower moth (Homoeosoma electellum)! And appropriately it was on a sunflower. Historic dam removal poses challenge of restoring both river and landscape The Glowing Secret That Mammals Have Been Hiding…

Before DQ

Before DQ

Did you guess where we were headed after the Garnett Preserve? The hint is in the title. LOL Now we were back on track for DQ! Well, almost until we spotted a new road. So more of the prairie has been divided into large lots. Thus a new road was built. Of course we couldn’t…

Just weird

Just weird

It was another delightfully cool start to the day at 56F. However it did warm up this afternoon to a toasty 94F. Just that time of year, eh! fall cleanup with ecology in mind, with doug tallamy Unlocking Ancient Climate Secrets – Melting Ice Likely Triggered Climate Change Over 8,000 Years Ago Red Fire Ant…

The Chase

The Chase

A little warmer than yesterday with high of 82f. Still was pretty darn pleasant out, eh! On the way out the back door I stopped to check the smartweed. A small black wasp bore watching. It was very interesting seeing it curl and unfurl its antenna multiple times. So why? For sure it knew why….

Pop Goes the…

Pop Goes the…

Still no rain today. 🙁 Unless you count the few drops that fell. Fingers crossed for the chances forecasted this week. The creek post continues now. I did not grow up in Texas. So Sesbania was new to me when I moved here. Hence I did not know about this fun trick that Jeanne was…

Pretty Dry, eh

Pretty Dry, eh

So it has been a while since we have had any substantial rain in North Texas. But Monday morning (28th) was fairly cool relative to recent mornings. So Jeanne and I headed over to the grasslands to check it out. More tomorrow! Don’t forget there is a super duper blue supermoon tonight. And the show…

The Hairy Snake

The Hairy Snake

There are a lot plants that are finished with their colorful blooms. Yet to me they still hold value. Some maybe providing homes for insects. Others may have seeds for wildlife as well as the plant’s own future survival. Thanks Jeanne for sharing your photos! Homegrown National Park by Dr Douglas Tallamy (A Cross Timbers…



Once again the rain went north of us last night. Thanks Kathy for the sharing the above photos today! And watch in the comments below for more from Kathy perhaps. I found a snail at the edge of a puddle in a creek. When I brought it home to get a closer look I found…