Out of the Ditches

Out of the Ditches

Now I was going a round-about way back to the car on level ground again. Indeed it had been a great warm Thursday afternoon. Now the cold is here…again! Scientists Unearth the Oldest Tadpole Fossil Ever Found, and It’s a 161-Million-Year-Old ‘Giant’ Footprints Reveal Two Early Human Species Walked the Same Lakeshore in Kenya 1.5…

First First First

First First First

So what did you do yesterday on January 1st? Well, the First Wednesday group headed out for the first hike on the first day of the year! And what splendid weather! Indeed what a wonderful day to spend with a great group! So thank you all for joining me on the first hike on the…

Happy November 1st!

Happy November 1st!

Happy November 1st! And what a wonderful day with the rain and a cooler temp! Can Fungi Save This Endangered Hawaiian Tree? How the Famous Lucy Fossil Revolutionized the Study of Human Origins Why you should get rid of your black plastic spatula immediately Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and…

Fallen tree

Fallen tree

This really was a beautiful lane. And did I mention it was in the shade. That makes it an good place to explore! Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.