Pussy toes

Pussy toes

More good stuff 🙂 Pussy toes (Antennaria parlinnii)!  Did you think it was going to be a kitty cat? 😉 This was a favorite plant that Shirley liked to show me in Cooke County. It was certainly easier to see there since it was on the roadside. Pussy Toes (Antennaria parlinnii) are in the Asteraceae…

Banded snake

Banded snake

The Redbuds are going like gangbusters! The creek was much wider than other creeks we have been going to lately. Ground-plum (Astragalus crassicarpus) is an interesting plant. It has fruit that resembles a small plum. The flowers are really pretty. This plant is a legume. Never tire of the roots along the banks! There was…



We found a new plant for the grasslands. I never would have thought I would find this orchid in our area. This is super cool!  I drove home like a mad woman! Why, because the petals were not suppose to stay on for only a couple of hours. And of course we had no idea…

A head banger…

A head banger…

I hear this banging coming from the dining room. What is Jim up to I wondered?  It was not Jim but our feathered friend looks to be back.  Grrrr. I hope he does not do it too much or we will be putting up the screens and outside shade. A cardinal attacked the windows for…

Braconid Wasps!

Braconid Wasps!

Do you remember I found these cocoons on the grasslands last week? I left half of them in the prairie. They were tiny and bright yellow! Well, they hatched! They opened each cocoon with this perfect round lid. Here’s what they looked like. There were about 2-3mm long not including legs or antenna. Amazing how…

Rain drops and singing

Rain drops and singing

  Rain drops made this interesting pattern on sandy loam in our woods. Colorful inside of a grasshopper leg. The color jump out as I walked along the path! A Mexican plum flower blown off in the storm yesterday. Petals have already dropped. The sepals look like a starfish! Ten-petal Anemone with a small bee….

Perfect day

Perfect day

 Perfect day to finish a book Claire loaned me.  The book is Remarkable Creatures: Epic Adventures in the Search for the Origins of Species by Sean B. Carroll. It was a great read on evolution and the scientists who help bring the amazing story to life. We managed to not walk in the rain today,…

Dr Gladys West

Dr Gladys West

Paula saw the first of season Scissortail Flycatcher! This was up in Norman, OK. They got spring before us LOL. But I believe I heard one on this afternoon walk, but could not see it. Yeah Paula! Yesterday, Kathy (down in Fredericksburg) had multiple flocks of Sandhill Cranes go over. I also saw my FOS…

Kept it’s cap

Kept it’s cap

First find of the day was this bright yellow larva on a piece of grass! The Eastern Tent caterpillars are growing! Getting more colorful every day! Last year we put up new nestboxes after our original boxes fell apart. We used regular zip ties and they deteriorated after one season. This year going with old…

A crow’s meal

A crow’s meal

We watched the crow land in the tree. Jim noticed the crows first and saw that one had dropped something. We had to investigate! It was a field rat! I’m showing you the less gory side. It’s guts had spilled out. I don’t know if the crow killed it or if it had scavenged it….