I found a few insects fascinating at home recently. Sometimes it is nice to see cool things right in your own backyard, or front yard or in a field in my case.
This beauty was busy digging away. She is of the Thread-waisted Wasp (Ammophila procera) group. Why do I say group? Because a certain identification is not possible based on photographs.
However, I was able to get close to an ID because of the fairly distinctive, bold silver dashes on the thorax . The female makes the burrow. She will lay her egg in her prey. It could be a caterpillar or a sawfly. Then the larva will feed on the paralyzed prey in the burrow.
When she finishes covering the hole, she will leave to bring back a plug. All evidence of the burrow will be gone.
Now this handsome critter is worth the effect to get a shot. As many insects do, it will scoot to the opposite side to avoid detection. It is the Glassy-winged Sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis) on Giant Ragweed.
Definitely grasshopper season! These two Two-striped Mermiria (Mermiria bivittata) were mating. Gracie says yeah, more to snack on!
I do not often see the male Banana Spider (Argiope aurantia) with the female. In this instance, the much larger female was wrapping up her meal. I wonder if she will share? Also have you noticed the Banana Spider is usually seen with its head pointed down.
Lastly, here is a photo of the crazy looking Wheel Bug (Arilus cristatus)! In short, caution is advised! This predator has a bite that is supposed to be more painful than a wasp. Additionally, numbness from the bite may follow for several days. And it can take up to two weeks to heal. (source: https://entnemdept.ufl.edu/creatures/trees/wheel_bug.htm) Consequently, just look and don’t touch!
Over the weekend, I read a book titled “Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest” by Dr. Suzanne Simard. In fact, I could not put it down until I had finished it. Most importantly, it could change the way you think about the forest. So it is definitely worth the read!
Today, I went to the grasslands to take advantage of the cooler morning. So tomorrow I will start posting on the outing.
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Great photos as usual. And yes it seems the garden spider is always upside down. We had one on our porch at the farm yrs ago that we fed grasshoppers. She was a pet😉
Great photos as usual. And yes it seems the garden spider is always upside down. We had one on our porch at the farm yrs ago that we fed grasshoppers. She was a pet😉
You had thee most interesting pets. What a wonderful childhood it must have been!
What a great day!!
The way the wasp fills the hole part way then packs it down and then repeats repeats repeats is cool.
I’m with Jeanne. That was fascinating video to watch.
We have a lot of the wheel bugs and have come close to touching them. Hope I never get bit.
Hope none us get bit!