A Lot of Legs!

A Lot of Legs!

My last walk at Lake Arrowhead State Park. At least for this trip. 🙂 I followed them around. At one point they buried its head. Presumably for a tasty morsel. Then suddenly for some unknown reason they went berserk. You won’t see this in the movie because I tipped over trying to back away. LOL….

A Long Shadow

A Long Shadow

The early morning casts a long shadow in the golden light. One guy was off to find a new spot. And what a shadow! Another long shadow! Spooky ghost lights: Believe them if you dare According to a New Study, Ancient Ants Were Farming Long Before Humans Existed Keep looking! The more you know, the…

Hot Bed of Activity!

Hot Bed of Activity!

Now we were passed the dam and heading to the north on the Onion Trail. Goodness it was a hot bed of activity! So the next time you pass by a pile of scat, slow down. You might find some great animals! The Early Bird Got the Cicada, Then an Evolutionary Air War Started Pollination…

The Horn Tunnel

The Horn Tunnel

The trail map showed a tunnel at Lake Arrowhead SP. Of course we had to check it out! The Onion Trail laid ahead as we strolled onwards! Listening In on the Mysterious Marbled Murrelet New species of tardigrade reveals secrets of radiation-resisting powers Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

Multiple Shots

Multiple Shots

One of my reasons for choosing Lake Arrowhead State Park was it was close to home. Also a lake might attract some interesting migrating birds. See the 2024 Wildlife Photographer of the Year winners Open with Care, Indigenous researchers and communities are reshaping how Western science thinks about data ownership Thanks Claire! New Fossil Discoveries…

More from the Dragonfly Trail

More from the Dragonfly Trail

This area is known as the Rolling Plains. Its rangelands are broken with streams and rivers running from west to east, draining toward the Cross Timbers and Prairies Region to the east and southeast. The Dragonfly Trail is a total of about half of mile. Indeed the Dragonfly Trail had been a pleasant walk in…



As per our custom, we started the morning with our shorter walk before breakfast. So all total on a couple of Lotebushes were over dozen walkingsticks! It seemed to be the happening place. 😎 While looking up walkingsticks I found this reference: Texas walkingsticks (Quinn 2012). It says some Texas walkingsticks have a defensive behavior of…



For the next few days we are camping! Almond Joy that we got another great view! Baby Ruth said it was a home run for us. Sweet! And how many candy bars did you notice…groan. ☺️ S’more tomorrow! From Beyond Pluto: Comet C/2023 A3 Dazzles Over New Orleans Siberian Wolf Preserved For 44,000 Years Could…

Bracken Cave Preserve

Bracken Cave Preserve

The Bracken Cave Preserve was the evening field trip scheduled for the NPSOT symposium. Space was limited. And the Preserve is normally closed after September. So it was special to get in. The Mexican Free-tailed Bats are the main attraction! It got dark and it was very hard to see. Then I used my thermal…



Today features three photos from friends! So glad that they did. Thank you all for sharing your finds with us. I do enjoy seeing them! Thanks to Kathy, Christy, Suzanne, and Steve! The Hidden World of Electrostatic Ecology Astronomers Uncover the Origin of Most of Earth’s Meteorites, Shedding Light on Our Solar System’s Past Keep…