Gotta look

Gotta look

Can one really not stop to look? In fact, it may be in the DNA of a naturalist to stop. πŸ˜‰ Concluding the Thomsen Foundations finds. Tomorrow on to the Garnett Preserve! How plants turned predator Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



So many wonders to see at the Thomsen Foundation! More tomorrow from the Thomsen Foundation observations! Don’t Miss: The Strawberry Supermoon Intense drought conditions could make this summer one of the hottest in Texas history Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Not even a slight breeze

Not even a slight breeze

Somehow I forgot to hit the publish button for this post on June 1st. Not one to waste electrons, here it is late. Ten people braved the morning heat for the First Wednesday outing. As much as I had hoped for a breeze, nada. I even got sprinkled on but only maybe three drops that…

Two Grasses

Two Grasses

With my prairie partner Jeanne, I can always count on learning something about grasses. I just wish I could remember it longer than a few days. So yesterday, we stopped at these two grasses. Maybe these two will stick in my brain LOL. Thank you Jeanne for sharing your grass knowledge! Galapagos tortoise thought extinct…



Today was scouting day for the upcoming Shirley Lusk Day. There are still spots open to sign up if you would like to join me in celebrating Shirley on June 16th. See this link for details. This is all for today. I got a lot of photos to go through. However, I want to let…

Two bugs

Two bugs

Two bugs presented themselves for observation today, a Leafhopper and Rainbow Scarab. The world’s largest solar-powered steam plant will be built in Saudi Arabia Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Blue bruiser

Blue bruiser

Another morning picking blackberries. I really loved it when the wind changed to the northwest at 10:45am! While I picked, the Painted Bunting was serenading for his love. πŸ˜‰ The dreams of animals Moths in slow motion Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you…

A Mystery and a Smile

A Mystery and a Smile

Kathy was the one to get the star yesterday for catching my title mistake. The email notification had the mistake. However, I caught it as soon as I hit the publish button. In the same way, like slamming your hand in the door. You see it coming but the signal to the brain can’t stop…