Great Golden Digger Wasp

Great Golden Digger Wasp

Yesterday, while out looking at the Greeneyes, I came across this beautiful wasp. It was the Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus)! Of course I wanted to know more about it. Holey cow we got rain! And I had just told Claire no way would we be getting any. Jeanne washed her windows too. Maybe…



I bet everyone is buzzing about the chances of rain, eh! I sure have my fingers crossed. However, a lot of our wildlife and plants are prepared to carry on. Sure not all will make it which of course is sad. Citizen Science Leads to Discovery of New Wasp Species on Garden Grounds Jumping spiders…

Last section of the DA Tour

Last section of the DA Tour

So this post will conclude Friday’s DA Tour. And it was a fine day with my fellow adventurer! Thank you! A wonderful day to be in the field for a DA tour! Rare plants attract rare bees and birds in urban gardens Researchers reveal how an insect-eating plant uses rain energy to power its trap…

DA Tour

DA Tour

The Drive-About tour continued onwards. Yesterday I left you with the bladderpod. We spent a good time along this section of the road. Well, not long enough to get too hot. Meet Florida’s Most Adorable Rodent and the Superfans Determined to Save It Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…

So you think it was hot

So you think it was hot

See the blistering heat of July on this map from NASA. Looking at this map really brings it home to how hot July was. And now that it is August and showing no sign of letting up, of course driving tours are the now the preferred method for exploring. In fact, we saw 109 degrees…

A find in the road

A find in the road

We were heading back to our vehicles on the Forest Service Road. With our eyes peeled, we found these two beauties. Both were dead, but that was no reason to ignore them. To sum it up, it was a wonderful outing! Furthermore, treasures had just waited for us to discovered them! Tomorrow’s post will be…

Another inlet

Another inlet

Yesterday was First Wed sitting in the shade. After the others headed home, Jeanne and I decided to take a walk along another inlet. So we were able to find a few more treasures. And we managed to stay in the shade too, mostly. So tomorrow will conclude our finds on First Wednesday. Meet the…

In the shade

In the shade

Today was a First Wednesday in the shade! Indeed, five of us braved the morning, mostly in the shade. It really was not that bad, at least that was my opinion. 😉 Additionally, while sitting, the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were busy in the trees above. Then a pair of titmice came screaming by. Literally, one made…

Bump in the night

Bump in the night

So I have been plotting on a way to see exactly who was leaving tracks in the sandy loam in our woods. Yes, I can tell in general most the time what is leaving the tracks. However, I want to see who exactly are leaving the little tracks. Pushy plants? Student discovery ‘adds new dimension…



Are you attracted to shiny things? I am! Especially in nature. Furthermore, I can not resisted bending down to look closer. One Island’s Effort to Count Every Species, and Make Every Species Count How Nichelle Nichols Launched Real-Time Opportunities for Women in Space Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the…