

We feel very lucky to have a little slice of a prairie. The front field used to be farmed for cotton back in the 1930’s. It has Little Bluestem, Indiangrass, other grasses and forbs now. The back field is also going back to natives after fifteen plus years of resting. We still have a lot…



It was a fairly pleasant start to the day at 76 degrees. But at 10am the wind turned from the south to the northwest and the temp dropped to 65. Then by the afternoon it rewarmed up to 72. And the wind was windy all day. Adapting national parks for wheelchair hiking Keep looking! The…

Spirited discussion

Spirited discussion

When Claire was growing up, we often had spirited discussions about this bird or that bird. I recall one time at the Ft Worth Nature Center when she saw a Great Blue Heron while I saw a vulture. We both thought the other was crazy, but as it turned out we were both right LOL….

A delightful morning

A delightful morning

The weather was perfect for an outing to the Dixon Water Foundation. Furthermore, it is so delightful to have Claire along to share the morning with me. Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

X marks the spot

X marks the spot

Feels like spring has arrived with all the new life popping up! OK Who knew skunks sound like MUPPETS? Aurora: the science behind one of the most beautiful natural phenomena Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.



The Black Vulture is still watching over her eggs! Vultures are some of my favorite birds. I love how they effortlessly soar in the sky above of us. The ‘Queen of the Mantas’ Who Became a Force of Nature Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the…



So I was playing with my phone and the hummers are back. Hence, I am sharing my fun! Why light pollution is a solvable environmental crisis Keep looking! The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.

Life and death

Life and death

Life and death, you can not have one without the other. A longtime ago, a wildlife biologist told me that the worse thing that came out of television/movies was “Bambi”. It forever has shaped the way people thought about nature in unrealistic way. My hope is that people today will change that attitude. There are…

20 degrees and a dance

20 degrees and a dance

That was the difference at our house between yesterday and today! So it was 92 yesterday and yep you got it, only 72 for a high today. Furthermore, that wind was howling overnight as well. The Quest to Find the World’s Largest Bee Many of These Plants Older Than Dinosaurs Face Extinction Betty Reid Soskin,…