One Magical Moment

Sometimes you just get lucky.

A male Yellow-shafted Flicker paid us a visit. You can tell it is yellow vs the red by the black moustache. Red has a red moustache.
A high stepping White-winged Dove!

Here’s a challenge…count the number of birds. I saw twelve.

A Field Sparrow and a Cardinal! However can you spot the coyote that photobombed the picture? It was cool that I noticed them just ambling along in the background. ๐Ÿ™‚ Just lucky for me. ๐Ÿ˜‰
Then there we were eating supper and out the window the Wolf Moon appeared! At first glance and for a nano-second or two, I thought it was cloud.
Just at the right time to catch it with night creeping up with The Belt of Venus! Note this was a couple days ago. The moon was rising later the next day after it was dark. So this seemed like one magical moment. ๐Ÿ™‚

Finally the Wise County Messenger posted this youtube video of Wise County’s tallest snowman, Frosty. And the euthanizing of Frosty.

Why Cats and Bats Donโ€™t Mix

Melting Ice Reveals Remains of 5,900-Year-Old Trees in Wyoming, Uncovering a Long-Lost Forest

The Whale Thatโ€™s Known Only by the Sound of Its Voice

Which animal will replace humans as Earth’s dominant species? This scientist has an idea

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. The coyote is awesome! We saw one in the middle of the late afternoon at my MIL’s house outside of Plano during the holidays. It was headed for a riparian corridor. Love all of your birds.

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