So what did you do yesterday on January 1st? Well, the First Wednesday group headed out for the first hike on the first day of the year! And what splendid weather!
We were a group of a dozen including the four-legged member. Kate was off to the side busy taking a photo.
Diane waves! LOL.
On my scouting trip I had missed the Pogonatum moss. Always great to re-visit for new finds.
A small patch of the Cowpie Lichen (Diploschistes muscorum) was in a more open area.
More of the Funaria serrata moss! Somehow we (meaning Jeanne and I) have been missing it in the past. Or is it just a really good winter for it? Moreover it is now on the radar. 🙂
Down to the creek!
Snails were in the creek! Great spot Loran!
Indeed the sunshine had brought out the Buckeye!
Kate was getting her shot!
Emily or Loran had turned over a cow patty to find a Stone Centipede (Lithobiomorpha) in the family Henicopidae! So it was only about 1.5 inch long. This seemed to match the info I found about the family. To be sure it was in this family you will need to look at legs closely. Henicopidae only has setae (hairs) and Lithobiidae have spikes and setae. So this is a tentative ID since I can’t see any spikes/spurs on the legs. It was small so I might not have gotten a good enough photo.
Indeed what a wonderful day to spend with a great group! So thank you all for joining me on the first hike on the first day on the First Wednesday outing at the LBJ NG!
And fun was had by all including four legged one.
So much fun for sure. There was a lot of pogonatum – its like dark green velvet painted on the slopes with a bonus of brightly colored jewels.
So beautifully put!
Thank you Mary for showing us so any wonders across the grasslands!