Monday was a LBJ Grasslands day! A great day to enjoy the beauty of one of our national treasures!
The Goldenrod is fading fast now.
A beautiful black Salt Marsh Moth (Estigmene acrea)!
Our first pond! The reflections with the calm water makes it hard to tell which way was up. LOL.
I don’t see a dead damselfly very often like this Familiar Bluet (Enallagma civile). And floating in the water! Hopeful they had fulfilled their life’s mission and reproduced.
Then right next to the damselfly was dead small moth.
The beautiful Three Awn (Aristida) created a misty appearance across the meadow!
Three trips to the LBJ Grasslands. That was how long it took me to find the Autumn Yellow-winged Grasshopper (Arphia xanthoptera)! If you remember I was introduced to the species while visiting Claire’s in Norman. And my goal was to find them in North Texas…now success!
We tried to snag one for close up photos like Paula had done in Norman. But alas, we were not as fast. However, we all enjoyed watching their beautiful yellow banded wings fly away. Additionally the clacking sounds they made were pretty distinctive.
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Happy you found the grasshopper. I remember hearing clacking sounds from grasshoppers when i was a kid. And what a clever way to catch fecal matter from turtles. It was a beautiful day for the beautiful grasslands.
Happy you found the grasshopper. I remember hearing clacking sounds from grasshoppers when i was a kid. And what a clever way to catch fecal matter from turtles. It was a beautiful day for the beautiful grasslands.
Hurrah for finding the sneaky fast grasshopper friend!!
Yahoo! Grasshopper…check! I will definitely be looking for them here.