My View

Thank goodness for the wind yesterday and today! It made it tolerable for an afternoon hike to the grasslands yesterday.

I pushed open the gate when out flew a mess of wasps!
Apparently they, the Texas Paper Wasps (Polistes apachus) had built a nest inside the rusty pipe. So I climbed over at the hinge end of the gate as not to disturb them further.
Now inside the fun began for me. First up was the fluffing milkweed. It was certainly nice to see the fertile seeds!

A weird Silver-leaf Nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium) flower!

One of its flowers had made fruit. Doesn’t it look like a green clasping hand?
The Silver-leaf Nightshade had one adult Eggplant Tortoise Beetle (Gratiana pallidula).
There were four or five of the larvae carrying their fecal matter on the plant as well. Yeah!
Oh my the Spreading Sida (Sida abutifolia) was so abundant! This was the best view of how thick it was in the road. When I had stepped through the gate in the taller grasses and forbs it was there too.

Then I turned to look to the west and my view was ruined. 🙁 A new house across the road from the unit. Makes me sad to see all the development.

Just need to keep looking forward.

These Hardworking Mussels Monitor Poland’s Drinking Water

“Very Unusual” – Scientists Discover Bizarre Parasitic Creature Preserved in Amber

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. I wish my nightshade seeds would come up! I should go check the patch by the creek and sidewalk too but it’s sort of unpleasant by the main road through town.

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