A Tail (Tale)

Continuing on with the Caddo NG adventure!

We stopped to look at some moss when I noticed some of the mosses had little white dots on them. So it turned out to be slime mold. Then a bug for a bonus!

Really I didn’t do it. Someone else knocked it over. LOL.

A snickerdoodle mushroom!

From this angle I saw an alligator!

All a matter of the perspective. Here I thought it was face with a long nose.

Pale Coneflower (Echinacea pallida) pollen was all used up. This species was the most common we saw in Fannin County.
This one’s shell was pretty beat up.

These beauties, the Giant Coneflower (Rudbeckia maxima) are found along many of the roads! Hard to mistake them for anything else with their huge leaves.

And finally I end today’s tale with a tail. LOL. Does anyone know what creature it belonged too?

Sexual Parasitism: Yale Scientists Unveil the Mating Mysteries of Deep-Sea Anglerfish

What mosquitoes are most attracted to in human body odor is revealed

The Vital Near-Magic of Fire-Eating Fungi Thanks Judy!

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. I see pancakes in the snickerdoodle mushroom. The left one has a pat of butter on it. Armadillo tail? And another box turtle!

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