
The phylum Arthropoda are the invertebrates. Moreover this group comprises (by some estimates) over 97% of the animal species on our planet! Therefore take a moment to soak that in. They are the animals that have: three or more pairs of jointed legs (some mites have less, many insect larvae have none), body segmented, bilaterally symmetrical, and exoskeleton, usually tough, composed in part of chitin.

A partially eaten damselfly. Just look at the wings!
Shield-backed Bug (Scutelleridae) perhaps a Stethaulax marmorata. Some of its host plants are known to be sumac and junipers. Both were present. 🙂

Issid Planthopper nymphs have filaments that are in a straight bundle. Tiny but beautiful!
A tiny red mite caught my eye on the Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum plantagineum).
In the same class (Arachnida) as the mite, a spider was also lurking.

Another Arthropod, a Soldier Beetle (Cantharidae)! The mite, the spider, and beetle, all on the Indian Plantain! Sounds like the title of a fairy tale. LOL.
A Russula mushroom looked pretty ragged. No wonder since some forest residents were chowing down!
The fungus beetles were active on the Russula mushroom!
Ant carried off its fungus prize! In fact this was a new species of ant for me.
Then looking closer at my photos I noticed it had bumps all over. Hmmm, that must be useful characteristic. Well, anyway I consulted Diane (my ant expert). She told me it might be in the genus Trachymyrmex, fungus farmers! I did further research and found the subtribe of Attini was created since New World fungus growing genera are known to be monophyletic (none known from the Old World) and it seems useful to have a name for the fungus growers. And now you too will be looking at the ants closer on fungi. I know I will. Thanks Diane!

Indeed a Leaf-footed Bug (Coreidae) handily grasps the stem! So amazing how they do this with their little tarsi (feet).
A Question Mark really blended in until it opened its wings. Furthermore now I knew it was a male because of the extensive black colorization.

Now finishing the day near Crockett Lake with a pair of mating Pearl Crescent (Phycoides tharos)!

Indeed another great day at Caddo NG!

All the Caddo photos were from last week. Here are my cloud pics from this morning at home.

Since we were expecting heavy rain today, we got out the door early for our morning walk.
One weird little lumpy cloud!
Our pace quicken. And we cut short the walk with the lightening nearby!
However on the eastern horizon, the sunlight was still visible.
Then when we were almost home these clouds looked like a vulture flying fast. Maybe you can see that too or not. LOL. FYI we got 0.33″, not very heavy eh.

Hairy-Nosed Otters, Fishing Cats, and Other Wonders of Cambodia’s Mangrove

Unmasking the Genetic Illusion: How Solomon’s Bats Defy Appearance

A 4-Step Science Lesson On Stunning Auroras Seen In The U.S

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. OMG. Your cloud pics are breathtaking. The little planthopper nymph looks alien. And yes a vulture in a hurry😄

    1. Thank you. I was real pleased that I got the lightening ☺️ Alien to us but I suppose not to its mama. 😉 And glad you saw the vulture too.

  2. I have to say that the Issid plant hopper nymph is wonderful. But your cloud photos – especially lightening – are absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Wow!!! I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of leaf footed bug before. It is so dead leaf shaped! And congrats on the new ant!! Way cool!

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