Crockett Lake Area

There was little hope of finding the target orchid at this point as I mentioned yesterday. My campsite was booked already so no use wasting it. Furthermore you never know what other goodies might be found. ๐Ÿ™‚

A female Three-toed Box Turtle was crossing the road as we departed from Bonham SP. So I offered her a piece of my lunch, a pear. However, she took no interest. Then the park ranger reporting in for day moved her off the road in the direction we saw her going.
On this day we were exploring near Crockett Lake. The American Lotus (Nelumbo lutea) was at the boat ramp area.

In fact one flower was up close for us to admire!

You can see the new leaf folded below the water. Yep that us looking down. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Many dragonflies were scanning their territories. A female Pondhawk paused just for a moment.
Moving away from the boat ramp we peeked in an opening along the shore. And we found a Six-spotted Fishing Spider (Dolomedes triton) on lotus pad! Indeed it seems like a good place for a fishing spider.
Barbara’s Buttons (Marshallia caespitosa)!
Trumpet Penstemons (Penstemon tubaeflous) were at the edge of the woods.
There were some really tall rushes at the edge of the water. Additionally in the cattails the Red-winged Blackbirds were calling. The reflection at lake looked like snake with an open mouth! ๐Ÿ™‚
Poison Ivy provided the shade! LOL.
Indeed the Poison Ivy had taken over an Eastern Red Cedar! It was sorta hard to tell it was a cedar.

More tomorrow from Caddo NG.

Here’s an opportunity at the LBJ NG on Sunday, May 19th.

LBJ Grasslands NEON tour with Canaan Sutton โ€“ LBJ Grasslands. Canaan Sutton is the Blackland NPAT president and a botanist for NEON. You must register but it is a free tour.

Miniature backpacks help discover worldโ€™s largest hummingbird species

Carnivorous plants are our lifeform of the week

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Thatโ€™s a beautiful spider. Love white flowers especially the lotus. And i love the critters you see in everything, like the snake with open mouth. Perfect interpretation.

  2. Fishing spider is very cool floating on the lotus pad.
    Sorry to miss the LBJ Neon tour – maybe another day.

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